It turns out that the reason is not gadgets or laziness. The whole point is that you (yes, you!) have turned reading into... punishment.
Kurchev Anton child children and reading Parents' mistakes Advice to parents Children 3 March 2025They are now highly valued by collectors, who are willing to pay large sums for them.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news USSR sale money People and Events 11 February 2025Even in the age of technology, books do not lose their demand and relevance.
Elena Shimanovskaya books at home books in the interior Designer's tips small apartment Design and interior 7 January 2025Parents were told in which cases a book would be a memorable New Year's gift.
Igor Zur Advice to parents children and reading New Year gifts child development Children 25 December 2024Placing a library in a separate room in an ordinary apartment is a luxury that few can afford.
Elena Shimanovskaya books at home books in the interior library Designer's tips Design and interior 17 December 2024When asked about the most popular book in the world, Potter fans will probably name the Harry Potter series.
Elena Shimanovskaya a book reading record reading books Records and anti-records 15 December 2024The longest novel has 13 volumes and more than 9 million characters.
Igor Zur world records Guinness Book of Records novel interesting facts Records and anti-records 25 November 2024The Ministry notes that today destructive printed publications are available for sale in bookstores, large retail chains and online stores.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news Belarus Belarus News Ministry of Information Society 13 November 20245-year-old Bella from the UK published a book called "Lost Cat" and was recognized as the youngest writer.
Igor Zur children publishing house Guinness Book of Records world records Records and anti-records 12 November 2024The oldest bookstore, Bertrand, was founded in 1732 by the Frenchman Pedro Faure, who merged with Pedro Bertrand's business.
Elena Shimanovskaya record shop age Portugal Records and anti-records 7 November 2024In 1968, the largest book publication in history began, a process that was not completed until 1972.
Kurchev Anton interesting facts Great Britain Ireland reading Records and anti-records 7 November 2024The Bible has the status of the most popular book in the history of mankind.
Kurchev Anton Bible Guinness Book of Records interesting facts Records and anti-records 30 September 2024The question of how to properly store books is relevant for many.
Elena Shimanovskaya books at home books in the interior Designer's tips Design and interior 30 September 2024Not everyone knows which publications managed to get into the pages of the Guinness Book of Records.
Marina Michalap Guinness Book of Records world records Records and anti-records 29 September 2024In the autumn, when the weather outside is often bad, many parents ask themselves: what to do with a child at home?
Elena Shimanovskaya children and parents cartoon autumn Children 25 September 2024Books are not only a source of knowledge, but also an important part of the interior.
Kurchev Anton books in the interior colors in the interior tricks Designer's tips Design and interior 21 September 2024The apartments of book lovers are sure to contain a lot of different types of literature.
Elena Shimanovskaya books at home books in the interior Designer's tips Design and interior 15 September 2024We are talking about a situation where there are few publications, but there is a lot of free space on the shelves.
Kurchev Anton books in the interior accessories Designer's tips Design and interior 5 August 2024Not everyone knows how to store books properly.
Marina Michalap books at home books in the interior Designer's tips Design and interior 2 August 2024In almost every apartment you can find things that spoil the appearance of the rooms.
Kurchev Anton things in the apartment cluttered apartment television Designer's tips Design and interior 7 June 2024