To lose weight, you don't have to starve yourself, follow strict diets, or raid the gym.
Elena Shimanovskaya weight loss excess weight how to lose weight extra pounds Diets 29 October 2024Some people are convinced that you cannot achieve success if you are not lucky enough to be born into a rich family.
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Valeria Kisternaya finance board money People and Events 17 October 2024You may have heard the idea that if you want to have money in your wallet all the time, you will have to either spend less or earn more.
Vitaly Kisterny money complaints finance Economy 14 October 2024If you plan to become a successful person one day, then you need to find worthy examples for inspiration.
Marina Michalap successful people habits of successful people advice from psychologists People and Events 26 September 2024Rich people are successful not because they are lucky, but because they work hard to improve themselves.
Vitaly Kisterny success morning habits board Economy 16 August 2024These habits often seem strange and archaic, but they still live among us, reminding us of the past and influencing the present.
Sergey Tumanov Top news USSR things work People and Events 11 August 2024The path to success is never easy. It is a well-known truth.
Vitaly Kisterny success board rituals the right start to the day how to start the day Economy 8 August 2024Old traditions and habits that do not let us go can cause conflicts and misunderstandings.
Sergey Tumanov Top news USSR things traditions People and Events 4 August 2024Not everyone knows what habits will help prolong life.
Marina Michalap life expectancy increasing life expectancy longevity Beauty and health 2 August 2024We tell you which countries' male populations find it normal to pee while sitting.
Timur Khomichev men habits of men traditions Traditions of the countries of the world People and Events 21 July 2024Few people understand the importance of financial literacy.
Vitaly Kisterny financial literacy thinking board poverty Economy 12 July 2024Recently, the opinion has been gaining momentum that a person’s financial well-being is influenced by his thinking and habits.
Vitaly Kisterny beliefs poor rich money Economy 3 July 2024This phenomenon raises many questions and speculations, but rarely does anyone think about the reasons for such behavior.
Sergey Tumanov Top news cat dreams cat behavior Pets 30 June 2024What distinguishes rich people from poor people is not only the amount of income, but also their lifestyle.
Vitaly Kisterny rich poor board Economy 27 June 2024Almost every person has started saving their own money at least once.
Vitaly Kisterny rich people money psychology of money Economy 18 June 2024You can learn what rules you should live by to achieve success from this article.
Vitaly Kisterny money psychology of money human psychology Economy 18 June 2024Do you want to improve your metabolism and increase the number of calories burned (by 200-500 kcal per day)?
Elena Shimanovskaya metabolism how to speed up metabolism calories metabolism Diets 14 June 2024Surprisingly, just a few actions performed in the morning can indicate unprocessed trauma and unlived pain.
Elena Shimanovskaya morning morning habits psychology trauma People and Events 12 June 2024In today's world, many of us focus on things that only drain our energy and often ruin our mood.
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