long term relationship

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It is unlikely that a person with a bad character will agree that it is all his fault - he will only be able to change if he himself wants to change.

Igor Zur toxic people save the relationship character traits board Love and Family 10 July 2024

Do you want your relationship with your significant other to become as trusting and happy as possible? Pay attention to certain behavior strategies.

Kurchev Anton family happiness behavior actions men and women Love and Family 28 May 2024

Have you officially registered your relationship and don't see any problems yet? Don't relax! Family happiness can easily be missed.

Kurchev Anton marriage and love problems in marriage board happiness Love and Family 16 May 2024

These ladies cause fear in weak-willed gentlemen, forcing them to stay at cannon-shot distance from them.

Igor Zur man and woman male psychology useful tips and life hacks Love and Family 2 May 2024