5 Unobvious Mistakes That Can Destroy a Strong Marriage

16.05.2024 18:48

Have you managed to find your soulmate?

Have you officially registered your relationship and don’t see any problems yet?

Don't relax! Family happiness can easily be missed.

Photo: © Belnovosti

There are mistakes that destroy even the strongest relationships.

If you want your marriage to remain strong in the future, you must not make the following mistakes under any circumstances.


“He’s jealous, which means he loves and is afraid of losing you,” many people reason.

But jealousy seems romantic only at first. Then it turns out that it is a destructive feeling.


Many people strive for stability in family life.

Of course, it’s good when there are no problems or worries in the family.

But it is important that things do not reach a routine and a “home-work-home” situation. Living like this, the couple stops feeling the atmosphere of love.

Be sure to go on trips together, visit restaurants and cultural institutions together. Make your life together more interesting - and then your marriage will become stronger.

Inability to be alone

At the same time, don’t forget to take breaks from each other.

Remember the need for personal space for both spouses.

Both husband and wife should have the opportunity to have privacy.


It is not for nothing that the game of silence is considered an effective way to put pressure on a partner.

But sometimes silence is perceived as indifference. The result is often the breakdown of the family.

If any problem has arisen, be sure to discuss it. You need to speak out yourself and not ignore your partner's arguments.

Comparing your significant other with your ex-partners

Such comparisons have a negative effect on the relationship between lovers.

Your ex-partner may have been better in some ways than your current one. But your ex-partner is probably worse in some ways. Don't forget that.

Previously, phrases were listed that indicate an unfaithful man.

Kurchev Anton Author: Kurchev Anton Deputy Editor-in-Chief

  1. Jealousy
  2. Boredom
  3. Inability to be alone
  4. Silence
  5. Comparing your significant other with your ex-partners

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