Sometimes people start thinking about why some people are richer than them.
Vitaly Kisterny money finance habits Economy 2 December 2024In the world, all people are divided into poor and rich. This is due to their thinking: the latter think correctly, and the former - incorrectly.
Vitaly Kisterny thinking board signs Economy 15 October 2024It all starts with thinking.
Vitaly Kisterny thinking board Economy 5 October 2024The concept of "poverty trap" came to us from England.
Vitaly Kisterny board trap money Economy 3 October 2024You can often hear the expression that you can't earn all the money in the world, so don't even try - you'll be poor, but honest, and that's good.
Vitaly Kisterny earnings money finance board Economy 2 October 2024It is no secret that the rich and the poor live differently.
Vitaly Kisterny money board mistakes Economy 29 September 2024Scientists have concluded that the habit of waking up shortly before the start of the working day leads to poverty.
Igor Zur bad habits quality of life research by scientists psychological attitudes People and Events 15 September 2024It’s unlikely that anyone wants to be labeled as the owner of a “poor man’s apartment.”
Elena Shimanovskaya Interior interior items Designer's tips Design and interior 6 September 2024Some people complain about the constant lack of money and huge debts. They should understand that poverty is often caused by bad behavior.
Kurchev Anton money bad habits how to get rich board People and Events 16 July 2024Few people understand the importance of financial literacy.
Vitaly Kisterny financial literacy thinking board habits Economy 12 July 2024Quite a few people ask themselves about their well-being and why it is so bad.
Vitaly Kisterny habit board success wealth Economy 12 July 2024If you look at the life of a rich and a poor person, you will notice that the latter wastes his free time and does things that only distract him and prevent him from getting rich.
Vitaly Kisterny human psychology wealth money and finance Economy 20 June 2024These habits slip through even among those who have been earning well for a long time.
Timur Khomichev girls women habits People and Events 16 May 2024From early childhood, a child absorbs information from parents and adopts their behavior model. Therefore, moms and dads should always behave responsibly and understand that one or two careless phrases can affect the child's self-esteem and even his financial well-being in the future.
Olga Kotova children and family raising children children and parents parents Children 21 March 2024Many housewives dry their spoons with a towel immediately after the cutlery has been washed. However, this action is considered a bad omen.
Kurchev Anton spoons cutlery washing folk signs People and Events 8 February 2024Deep down, each of us believes in omens and superstitions.
Elena Shimanovskaya folk signs superstition cluttered apartment Useful tips 7 February 2024Some mothers and fathers, without realizing it, “program” their children for poverty.
Kurchev Anton child make money dangerous words parents and children Children 13 January 2024Houseplants are used by many people to improve the appearance of a room and to attract positive energy into their lives.
Sergey Tumanov indoor plants folk signs flowers board People and Events 6 December 2023What things need to be gotten rid of - they bring poverty and anger into the home.
Igor Zur old things negative energy folk signs superstition Useful tips 5 December 2023The idea that images can influence our lives may seem abstract. However, visualization can have an impact on life outcomes.
Sergey Tumanov image Human problems signs People and Events 23 November 2023