Mineral water has a positive effect on the appearance of spoons and forks.
Kurchev Anton cutlery mineral water forks household tricks Useful tips 15 June 2024After finishing making tea, many people face this difficulty: the drink is too hot and cools down very slowly.
Kurchev Anton making tea drink temperature household tricks Useful tips 21 March 2024Many housewives dry their spoons with a towel immediately after the cutlery has been washed. However, this action is considered a bad omen.
Kurchev Anton cutlery washing poverty folk signs People and Events 8 February 2024Usually housewives do not think about the arrangement of cutlery in the drawer. However, in folk wisdom, serious attention is paid to this point.
Kurchev Anton cutlery storage folk signs People and Events 30 January 2024Despite the apparent senselessness, the procedure produces one very interesting result.
Kurchev Anton cutlery forks mineral water household tricks Useful tips 18 January 2024Over time, cutlery becomes coated with dirt and food residue. This often happens with poor care and superficial cleaning.
Olga Kotova a vessel forks washing dishes Useful tips 21 December 2023Many people try to wash their spoons immediately after eating. However, this action is, according to popular belief, a mistake.
Kurchev Anton cutlery washing problems folk signs People and Events 14 December 2023Many housewives use ordinary detergent when cleaning forks and spoons.
Dmitry Liskovich cutlery forks soda how to clean appliances Useful tips 13 December 2023