Should we think that all the money in the world cannot be earned?

02.10.2024 10:20

You can often hear the expression that you can't earn all the money in the world, so don't even try - you'll be poor, but honest, and that's good.

But this expression has a lot of buts, which we will analyze.

Let's start with the fact that a person does not need to earn all the money in the world, because it is concentrated in the hands of more than one person.

Photo: © Belnovosti

All the money in the world is distributed around the world, albeit unevenly, and each person owns exactly as much wealth as he was able to earn.

Of course, there are rich people, there are poor people, there are people with average income, but in general, the world's money belongs to everyone, only in different amounts. And a person's task is to earn his own money, and not look at other people's.

Your own money is the money that a person directs energy and effort towards. This is the money that a person earns in order to manage it at his own discretion.

Usually the phrase "You can't earn all the money in the world" is said by people with a poor people's mindset. They do nothing to increase their income, but are ready to look for a million excuses just not to work, not to try. They do not see opportunities because they do not want to see them.

They work for a stable and fixed salary and think that one day it will be raised so much that life will become much easier. But years have passed, nothing has changed, and people still believe and hope that their standard of living will rise overnight.

They think that there are rich people who will never share their income, and there are poor people who will continue to become poorer, because everything in the world has long been predetermined.

But if poor people changed their ideas about money a little and learned the basics of financial literacy, they could succeed in increasing their income.

It turns out that, of course, you won’t be able to earn all the money, but this is not a reason to get upset, give up and consider yourself a loser.

Some people get rich at a young age, and some much later. The main thing is to do your own thing, be passionate about it, look for new opportunities to earn money, try to keep up with life, and also stop believing that you can make a lot of money in a traditional job.

It has long been clear that passive income will give a person much more than a regular job, which must be worked every day, otherwise the source of income will quickly dry up.

And sooner or later the money of the world will flow to those who want to earn it, and not passively sit and wait for favors from nature.

Earlier I talked about how to stop living paycheck to paycheck .

Vitaly Kisterny Author: Vitaly Kisterny Editor-in-Chief

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