How Poor People Think Differently: Test Yourself

05.10.2024 10:20

It all starts with thinking. That's why there are a number of habits that differentiate rich people from poor people.

Check if you have any of these?

Basically, all people are born with equal opportunities. Of course, the environment has its influence, but how to live is decided by the person himself.

It is by their behavior that people condemn themselves to poverty. Poor people have accumulated many habits that do not allow them to change their financial situation.

They are always complaining

No conversation goes by without it. No matter what these people talk about, complaints will still be part of the conversation.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Moreover, the person himself does not notice the oddities in his behavior. But those around him find it unbearable to have such conversations. It is easier for them to quickly end the conversation, distance themselves, and reduce communication to a minimum.

And the person himself is sure that people around him do not want to communicate with him because he is too poor. But people are not so mercantile, it is just difficult for them to listen to eternal complaints. A poor person undermines his own authority and pushes others away from himself.


Such people will never say that they are too lazy and not ready to get down to business. But they will always be able to justify themselves. Moreover, the arguments can be both stupid and extremely brilliant.

Poor people know how to make excuses and thus try to look better in the eyes of others than they really are.

They are not ready to admit that they are too lazy to get up earlier to do exercises. Such a person will say that children are in the way, there is no free time, and the apartment is not suitable for sports. If people really want to act, they find ways. But if the person himself does not want this, he will make excuses.

Shifting responsibility

A poor man refuses to admit that he is responsible for his own life. He finds it easier to shift it onto someone else. In the end, everyone will be guilty except the poor man himself.

The boss, in his opinion, is too greedy, that's why the poor man has such a low salary. The state imposes extortionate taxes, hinders business development, because it does not give money for free.

But he will not agree that his qualifications are too low for a high salary. He is extremely lazy, does his job poorly, so his boss does not appreciate him.

The poor guy doesn't get any benefits because he doesn't want to go and collect papers. He won't admit that he missed the bus because of the long preparations. But he will say with a serious face that the transport left without him.

Devaluing the work of others

Poor people only notice the result, which is the result of a lot of work. They envy the position of successful people, but ignore the entire path that must be taken to achieve the goal.

A poor man is sure that wealth is bad. A wealthy man will ask for details.

People are driven to poverty by their own thinking. Financial success is directly dependent on the efforts a person is willing to make.

Take control of your life, believe in yourself and get to work. Determination and discipline work wonders to improve your well-being.

I previously talked about how positive thinking can change your business forever.

Vitaly Kisterny Author: Vitaly Kisterny Editor-in-Chief

  1. They are always complaining
  2. Excuses
  3. Shifting responsibility
  4. Devaluing the work of others