There are certain signs by which you can “identify” a happy representative of the fair sex.
Kurchev Anton woman women's happiness women's behavior mood People and Events 21 January 2025Information about the secret wedding of actress Nastasya Samburskaya has begun to spread on the Internet.
Elena Shimanovskaya Nastasya Samburskaya an actress wedding Show business 16 October 2024If completely stopping communication is impossible for some reason, then try to at least minimize interaction.
Kurchev Anton communication envy psychology of communication People and Events 19 September 2024Is there a person who has never discussed one of their colleagues, a former partner, or a sensational piece of news from the world of show business?
Elena Shimanovskaya People communication psychology People and Events 15 September 2024There is no point in explaining to a gossipmonger that he is behaving badly; it is a waste of time.
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