These mistakes in Russian are made by those who studied in the USSR: nowadays they write differently

20.08.2024 19:49

Any language is a self-developing system, constantly changing and updating.

And not only due to new words. Changes are also occurring in such seemingly immutable areas as spelling.

Soon after the October Revolution, as is known, an orthographic reform was carried out.

a book
Photo: © Belnovosti

And in 1956, the Rules of Russian Spelling and Punctuation were approved, which are still in force today.

However, spelling norms continued to change, so those who studied in the USSR now make mistakes, writes .

What mistakes do those who studied in the USSR make?

Firstly, the suffix -овк-/-евк-. The spelling of the words "plashchovka" and "melochovka", which were previously considered exceptions and were written with the suffix -евк-, is now brought under the general rule.

Secondly, the compound conjunction "както" (not to be confused with the adverb "как-то") is now written separately. Previously, both the conjunction and the adverb were written with a hyphen.

Thirdly, the endings -у and -а. Now nouns denoting a part of a whole or used in a quantitative sense are written with the ending -а (-я): a spoonful of sugar, a cup of tea.

Previously, the ending -у (-ю) was used: a spoonful of sugar, a cup of tea.

Timur Khomichev Author: Timur Khomichev Internet resource editor

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