Cats can be a wonderful companion for you, but not all breeds have this “function”.
In this article we will try to explain why some cats are not the best choice for home keeping.
Bengal cat
Bengals attract with their spotted fur and elegance, but they also have serious disadvantages. Among them, first of all, is aggressiveness. In addition, these smart cats need a lot of exercise to provide them with enough physical and mental load.
And finally, Bengal cats sometimes do not form relationships with people the way ordinary cats do.
The unique appearance caused by the hairless skin of the Sphynx is both its minus and plus. Due to the lack of hair, some consider Sphynxes less cozy compared to the "fluffies".
In addition, these cats require additional care, due, again, to the lack of fur.
Scottish Fold
The round faces of Scottish Folds with their characteristic ear shape are undoubtedly very charming.
But their owners also face serious problems: the genetic mutation that, by the way, results in the Scottish Fold's ears also affects all the cat's joints. Due to defective cartilage, these cats suffer from painful arthritis at a young age.