Did you know that you can increase your life expectancy, so to speak, with your own hands?
Elena Shimanovskaya life how to improve life secrets of longevity useful habits Beauty and health 31 December 2024The lifespan of a mongrel cat is longer than that of a purebred cat - compared with popular breeds.
Igor Zur Tips for cat owners characteristics of cat breeds cat health facts about cats Pets 27 December 2024This can be done using a test invented by Japanese gerontologists.
Timur Khomichev long-livers longevity signs of long-livers test Beauty and health 18 December 2024By including certain foods in your diet, you can increase your life expectancy.
Timur Khomichev secrets of longevity increasing life expectancy products healthy products Beauty and health 18 December 2024Russian nutritionist Elena Solomatina told us what long-livers eat.
Timur Khomichev long-livers secrets of longevity longevity nutrition Diets 10 December 2024If you want to stay young as long as possible and are determined to live until you go grey, you can, of course, resort to proper nutrition and exercise.
Elena Shimanovskaya age People secrets of longevity healthy habits People and Events 3 December 2024Why did Hippocrates command people to remain silent about their illnesses and not to talk about them with anyone?
Igor Zur maintain health topics for conversation useful tips and life hacks People and Events 2 December 2024A nutritionist has warned that regular consumption of sausage products takes years off your life.
Igor Zur harmful products Dietitian's advice diet diseases Beauty and health 25 November 2024British scientists have named a habit that prolongs life by at least 11 years - you just need to walk every day.
Igor Zur benefits of walking maintain health research by scientists scientific facts Beauty and health 15 November 2024One of the secrets of longevity is proper nutrition.
Kurchev Anton secrets of longevity proper nutrition cereals walnuts Beauty and health 5 November 2024Certain facts about proper nutrition can help you live longer.
Marina Michalap proper nutrition nutrition tips health secrets Beauty and health 30 October 2024Some habits can increase your life expectancy by at least ten years.
Marina Michalap doctor's advice improve health Beauty and health 21 October 2024What is pescetarianism and how does it affect longevity - conclusions of scientists.
Igor Zur benefits of fish research by scientists healthy diet Diets 3 October 2024Many long-livers have certain habits in common.
Kurchev Anton secrets of longevity useful habits how to eat right activity Beauty and health 27 September 2024Chinese scientists have proven that psychological resilience prolongs life even in the presence of bad habits and chronic diseases.
Igor Zur research by scientists psychological stability bad habits Beauty and health 18 September 2024In Belarus, three people celebrated their 110th birthday.
Igor Zur Belarus Belarus News Ministry of Labor and Social Protection men and women Society 15 September 2024American nutritionists have named 5 products that should be included in the diet of everyone who wants to live a long and happy life.
Igor Zur proper nutrition Dietitian's advice diet maintain health Beauty and health 9 September 2024There are some useful habits of long-lived people that many people should take note of.
Marina Michalap long-livers health secrets Beauty and health 2 September 2024Scientists believe that the longevity of people who led an unhealthy lifestyle is explained by luck and genetics.
Igor Zur maintain health myths research by scientists mistakes Beauty and health 26 August 2024Scientists have reported that vitamins A, C, D and K prolong life if included in the daily diet.
Igor Zur maintain health vitamins healthy products healthy eating Beauty and health 21 August 2024