How to Live a Long and Happy Life: Advice from Hippocrates

02.12.2024 20:16

There is no need to tell who Hippocrates is and why he is remembered when taking the medical oath.

But the father of world medicine is remembered not only as the developer of the fundamental principles of medical ethics and practice.

In his time he was an innovator. And because many of his words and statements are known only to a narrow circle of people, some of his conclusions again sound innovative.

Photo: © Belnovosti

This is what Hippocrates bequeathed to those who decided to live a long and happy life.

Many modern patients should also listen to the advice of the healer and philosopher at the same time.

Hippocratic Council

An ancient doctor advised to keep silent about one’s illnesses and not to talk about them with anyone.

The fact is that talking about illnesses only worsens their course and symptoms.

Therefore, the doctor advises to talk only about health and then it will be possible to recover and be healthy.

This is not mysticism, but a conclusion, the emphasis of which is placed on the harmonious connection between mind and body.

In his saying, the philosopher draws attention to the approach to health not only as a physically healthy body.

His words about the power of positive thinking and the overall impact of thoughts on health.

This view is still popular today, but it is useful to know that the author of this concept was born around 460 BC.

For reference

Hippocrates was an ancient Greek healer, physician and philosopher. He went down in history as the "father of medicine".

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

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