These 5 things indicate that a person will live to be 100 years old

07.04.2024 19:38

A number of studies by scientists have shown that there are things thanks to which a person can ensure a long life.

In particular, in the course of scientific work it was discovered that genes responsible for iron metabolism in the body are directly linked to life expectancy.

And also, sections of the genome were discovered that “add” a few years of life to a person as a “bonus”.


It is important here that the blood does not contain too much iron, because in this case, according to scientists, a person’s life is shortened.

If the Fe level is normal, then the aging process slows down, and, as scientific minds say, in old age people have fewer diseases.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Hence the following research conclusion: one should not get carried away with excessive consumption of red meat, which contains a lot of iron.


In 2015, American and Italian scientists discovered 4 longevity genes in the citizens they studied in the age groups over 90 and over 100 years old.

And in 2019, an international group of researchers identified 12 regions of the genome associated with life expectancy.

These were mainly areas where a predisposition to cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, and diseases caused by smoking is formed.

That is, if a person’s parents, grandparents had people with such diseases, then he himself has a high risk of “catching” them.

But genes that are thought to be associated with cancers unrelated to smoking do not have a significant impact on life expectancy.


Scientists have found that life expectancy also depends on gender: female mammals (of almost all species) live longer than males on average.

And in the US, they have proven experimentally using mice that the ovaries of females contain hormones and other signaling molecules that prolong life and slow down the aging process.

An interesting study was conducted by scientists from Germany and Denmark: they studied the demographic situation during the most difficult times for people.

In particular, they looked into the period of the slave trade on the island of Trinidad, during the measles epidemic in Iceland and the famine in Sweden, Ireland and Ukraine.

They found that almost everywhere women, on average, lived longer than men.

Scientists emphasize that men are more vulnerable due to testosterone, which can disrupt the functioning of the immune system.

But the female sex hormone estrogen, on the contrary, has an anti-inflammatory effect.


Doctors from the USA have come to the conclusion that a person’s life expectancy is influenced, among other things, by his worldview.

According to the data he obtained in an experiment with 1,500 men and 70,000 women, optimists generally live 11%-15% longer.

Doctors explained this by the fact that people who are constantly positive are less likely to suffer from cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases.

In addition, this category of citizens (for the most part) leads a healthy lifestyle.

Plus, optimists gain extra years of life due to their self-confidence.

And this confidence allows you to react less emotionally to difficult situations and to “recover” more quickly after stress.


According to scientists, if a person has a genetic predisposition to the highest possible level of education, then he has every chance of living long.

After analyzing information on approximately 200,000 European residents, the researchers came to an interesting conclusion.

In simple terms, it sounds like this: the higher the thirst for knowledge, the longer a person will live.

Earlier we told you which drinks you shouldn’t drink on an empty stomach.

Pavel Gospodarik Author: Pavel Gospodarik Internet resource editor

  1. Iron
  2. Heredity
  3. Floor
  4. Mentality
  5. Education