There are many foods that have a positive effect on the brain.
Kurchev Anton food products healthy fish raspberry carrot Beauty and health 17 January 2025Our memory, according to the author of the book “The Seven Sins of Memory”, psychologist Daniel Schecter, has such a quality as ephemerality.
Elena Shimanovskaya memory bad memory People board People and Events 21 October 2024To improve your memory, you need to limit your sugar intake and exercise more often - scientifically proven.
Igor Zur healthy diet bad habits harm of sugar scientific facts People and Events 3 October 2024Many people want to live long. However, few people think about what condition they will be in when they get older.
Kurchev Anton life expectancy old age useful habits reading Beauty and health 2 October 2024Researchers at the University of Cincinnati have identified a diet that protects the brain from cognitive decline with age.
Igor Zur brain health research by scientists elderly people Diets 27 September 2024Nutritionists have named common and accessible food products that improve brain function and strengthen the body.
Igor Zur proper nutrition brain health vitamins useful substances Diets 19 August 2024The benefits of daytime naps - when and how much sleep you need to avoid feeling exhausted.
Igor Zur interesting facts maintain health self-esteem Beauty and health 9 July 2024In modern times, poor memory is a problem not only for the older generation.
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