What is psychosomatics and how does it work

17.12.2024 17:30

A relatively new word has burst into the lexicon of modern people – psychosomatics.

It is used by doctors and refers to an emotion that leads to serious health problems and can even shorten life expectancy.

What is psychosomatics

This is a branch of medicine that studies the influence of emotions on a person’s physical health.

Photo: © Belnovosti

To put it simply, we are talking about a certain set of psychological reasons that can provoke the development of the disease.

This is usually caused by depression, anxiety, stress and lack of positive emotions, which generally resembles hopelessness.

Emotional stress

All this negativity can cause reactions in the body that seem minor, but pose a serious threat to health.

In particular, stress activates mechanisms that retain water in the body, which can lead to bronchitis and even pneumonia, headaches, migraines and cerebral edema.

The consequences could be fatal, experts say.

The point is that a depressed emotional state can pose a serious threat to health.

Therefore, it is important to pay attention to your feelings and be sure to look for ways to overcome difficulties.

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. What is psychosomatics
  2. Emotional stress

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