Many couples spend the last minutes before bed staring at screens, thinking it will help them relax.
Igor Zur save the relationship Advice for lovers daily habits intimacy Love and Family 28 February 2025Imagine that you are constantly expecting a trick because you don’t believe that you can be loved just like that.
Igor Zur unhealthy relationship Advice for lovers lack of self-confidence how to keep love Love and Family 27 February 2025He smiles at you, jokes and nods. But something tells me that behind the mask of goodwill there is hostility.
Kurchev Anton human behavior signs communication psychology People and Events 26 February 2025Emotions do not disappear - they accumulate, turning into neuroses, outbursts of anger or apathy.
Igor Zur male psychology advice for women male behavior personal development Love and Family 26 February 2025Some tips for parents to help them cope with their children's tantrums.
Igor Zur raising children Advice to parents hysterics child psychology Children 18 February 2025Experts have given simple advice that will help avoid stress and maintain mutual respect when communicating with elderly parents.
Igor Zur children and parents communication with relatives psychological stability elderly people Children 11 February 2025First, you need to acknowledge that there is a problem, and then think about why someone else's opinion worries you so much.
Igor Zur psychological stability how to increase self-esteem psychological trick board People and Events 10 February 2025Slow compositions not only help a person to feel sad correctly, but also clear his mind of negative emotions.
Igor Zur how to improve your mood music interesting facts hormones People and Events 5 February 2025If your immediate boss irritates you, you should not put up with the situation.
Elena Shimanovskaya work career head irritation People and Events 4 February 2025Nobody likes to be criticized. Especially since sometimes the criticism turns out to be unfair.
Kurchev Anton criticism mirror tricks psychological trick People and Events 24 January 2025During a quarrel, a person experiences serious emotional stress. In such a state, it is very difficult to control yourself. It is easy to break into a scream.
Kurchev Anton argument dangerous phrases human behavior psychology People and Events 29 December 2024You need to be able to be happy “here and now”.
Kurchev Anton happiness secrets of happiness saving psychology People and Events 20 December 2024When a coughing fit hits us in public places, we feel like we could sink into the ground from the overwhelming feeling of awkwardness.
Elena Shimanovskaya cough health treatment feelings People and Events 18 December 2024Psychosomatics is a branch of medicine that studies the influence of emotions on a person’s physical health.
Igor Zur health condition mental health life expectancy consequences of stress People and Events 17 December 2024Don't let your children violate your personal boundaries and remember that you are not obligated to support your grown sons or daughters until their death.
Igor Zur raising children Advice to parents mistakes in education psychology of relationships Children 11 December 2024You may have noticed that after communicating with certain people, you begin to feel emotionally drained. Sometimes this feeling is accompanied by a headache or increased blood pressure.
Elena Shimanovskaya energy vampire People communication with people People and Events 6 December 2024Experts have named the mistakes men make that provoke hysteria in women.
Igor Zur man and woman male behavior hysterics female psychology Love and Family 28 November 2024Resentment forces a person to focus on negative feelings and makes him susceptible to the influence of stress.
Igor Zur communication with people consequences of stress communication People and Events 19 November 2024Many parents are sure that a child should not "splash out" negative emotions. But this is a mistake.
Kurchev Anton child behavior anger Parents' mistakes Advice to parents Children 15 November 2024A psychologist explained why you shouldn’t respond to ridicule and negative emotions.
Igor Zur toxic people advice from psychologists unhealthy relationship aggression Love and Family 12 October 2024