
Christmas tree

Esotericists and mystics advise taking down the Christmas tree on special days that are considered the most successful.

Igor Zur New Year tree house cleaning winter tips tidying up People and Events 18 January 2025

You may have noticed that after communicating with certain people, you begin to feel emotionally drained. Sometimes this feeling is accompanied by a headache or increased blood pressure.

Elena Shimanovskaya vampire People communication with people negative emotions People and Events 6 December 2024

From October 9, it will become noticeably warmer in apartments, dormitories, educational and cultural institutions and city baths in the city of Gomel.

Igor Zur Gomel Gomel News heating season Gomel City Executive Committee Society 8 October 2024
Vladimir Putin

The Russian leader made this statement on September 26 at the plenary session of the Russian Energy Week.

Timur Khomichev Vladimir Putin Russia West News of Russia Economy 26 September 2024

The Baltic countries will disconnect from the BRELL energy system, which is shared with Russia and Belarus, on February 8 next year.

Timur Khomichev Lithuania Latvia Estonia Lithuanian News News of Latvia News of Estonia In the world 19 September 2024

Everyone wants to swim in an ocean of big currency, expensive houses, chic boutiques and all sorts of expensive parties. But it is worth understanding the psychology.

Vitaly Kisterny money secrets Economy 27 June 2024

The designer told us which things should be gotten rid of first - they steal energy and take up space.

Igor Zur Designer's tips order in the house interior items mistakes in interior Design and interior 26 June 2024

What influence does the Moon have on a person's life - the best time for making plans is named.

Igor Zur Moon useful tips and life hacks eclipse People and Events 6 March 2024

Autumn is a time of change and preparation for a new cycle of life. It is the perfect time to refresh your home and get rid of excess baggage.

Sergey Tumanov autumn things folk signs board People and Events 10 November 2023

The financial issue has always been and remains acute at all times. And the modern world is no exception.

Sergey Tumanov things objects Feng Shui Interior finance Design and interior 4 November 2023
a gift

There are situations when a gifted thing is not used in any way. Many decide to re-gift the gift. But is it possible to do this?

Kurchev Anton present problems board folk signs People and Events 6 August 2023

Violets bloom beautifully and for a long time, do not require special care and decorate the interior. However, not everyone knows that violets can be dangerous to the health of humans and animals.

Sergey Tumanov a plant violet danger health Useful tips 2 July 2023

Is it possible or not to plant a birch tree near a house - from the point of view of energy and health.

Igor Zur signs trees house care People and Events 25 June 2023

Many people know about the existence of lucky bills or other talismans, which, according to beliefs, open a money channel.

Sergey Tumanov money banknote luck folk signs Useful tips 14 June 2023
Room, house

One famous song says that "the most important thing is the weather in the house." And it really is!

Olga Kotova apartment housing board Useful tips 13 June 2023

There is a high risk that a person will experience a period of bad luck and develop health problems.

Sergey Tumanov Human photo danger superstition Useful tips 13 June 2023
Living room

Modern man is so carried away by beauty, design and fashion that he has completely forgotten everything that our ancestors have practiced for centuries. For example, the rules of construction and arrangement of the house. After all, how happy and prosperous the family living in this space will be depends on this.

Sergey Tumanov apartment house Interior design Design and interior 11 June 2023

How popular wisdom explains the causes and consequences of cat deaths in the house.

Igor Zur cats signs death a mystic Pets 8 June 2023