What items in the house attract poverty and troubles: get rid of them without regret

04.11.2023 18:35

The financial issue has always been and remains acute at all times. And the modern world is no exception.

The tendency to earn a lot and work hard has now become normal and ubiquitous.

However, many people, no matter how much they hunch their backs, bringing home every last penny, notice that their money disappears into thin air. What could be the reason, if not in the person himself? What should one pay attention to in order to improve the situation for the better? And is it possible to influence this somehow?

It turns out yes. And it may not only be a matter of financial literacy, which also needs to be taken into account and studied, but also the presence of items in the house that attract lack of money and troubles.

According to experienced feng shui experts, such things have negative energy.

Photo: © Belnovosti

• Worn-out clothes and shoes

Hoarding syndrome is a scourge for many people who can’t say goodbye to their old things.

They justify their weakness with heartfelt memories, memories that are connected with old jeans or grandma’s knitted napkin, which has long since lost its appearance and former gloss.

But it is precisely such objects that are filled with bad energy, which directly negatively affects the state of affairs in the house, in particular, and the owners: loss of strength, depression, apathy.

In order to correct the situation, it is necessary to make it a rule to conduct a rigorous audit of old things.

This is a kind of liberation from the past, in which a person is stuck, like in a swamp.

As a result, he stands still, lives in the moments that once happened, grinds up the words spoken or the actions taken, thereby wasting his energy in vain and being subject to general moral and physical decline.

Therefore, do not try to keep the past to yourself, learn to easily walk along the path of the present into your better future, filled with different colors and stories.

• Artificial flowers

Bouquets or flower arrangements made of artificial flowers are the main grave symbol, which means that they contain “dead” energy.

In addition to the negative aura that will settle in the house, they can bring various kinds of physical troubles to the inhabitants of the house, carrying health problems. It would be wiser to replace them with a living analogue.

Although they require more careful care, they are no less aesthetic and also useful due to their "live" energy. However, here too, be careful and thoughtfully choose plants that will help heal both you and the aura of your home, and not worsen the situation.

• Cracked dishes

Dishes in the house are the wealth and prosperity of the house. Its integrity and appearance carry positive energy and reflect the well-being of the house and its owners.

If a cup or plate has visible chips or other types of defects, it is necessary to get rid of them immediately. It is believed that cracked dishes are a magnet for trouble, producing negative energy.

• Shells

Favorites among souvenirs brought from the seashores, it turns out, carry negative energy. These, at first glance, harmless shells have a bad effect on the cardiovascular system, and also attract people with dishonest intentions to your home.

• A knife left on the table overnight

They work on the principle of accumulating negative energy, leading to the emergence of various energy entities.

They will torment the owners, affecting their physical and mental health, as a result of which the house will fall into disrepair, because there will be no strength to work or take care of it. And this is fraught with a protracted and prolonged regression, and instead of prosperity the house will wither away.

Now that you know what things can affect your financial well-being and well-being, you have the opportunity to clean up your home and clear its aura. And you will notice how your life will gradually improve.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Internet resource editor

  1. • Worn-out clothes and shoes
  2. • Artificial flowers
  3. • Cracked dishes
  4. • Shells
  5. • A knife left on the table overnight