Five simple steps to help you turn your ordinary relationship into a romantic one.
Igor Zur man and woman healthy relationships romance in relationships board Love and Family 20 December 2024Four common phrases have been named that will not help to console a person, but will ruin the relationship.
Igor Zur mistakes in relationships words and phrases psychology of communication board People and Events 20 December 2024Some tips to help you change your life for the better.
Igor Zur how to attract success psychological attitudes board happiness in life People and Events 19 December 2024Experts have named five signs of a healthy and promising relationship - there is not a single reason for concern.
Igor Zur healthy relationships signs man and woman secrets of happiness Love and Family 19 December 2024Scientists have proven that moderate solitude is the best way to restore energy.
Igor Zur research by scientists loneliness interesting facts positive energy People and Events 18 December 2024To choose the perfect gift, you need to at least be imbued with attention to the person.
Igor Zur how to give gifts board age character traits People and Events 16 December 2024You may have noticed that after communicating with certain people, you begin to feel emotionally drained. Sometimes this feeling is accompanied by a headache or increased blood pressure.
Elena Shimanovskaya energy vampire People negative emotions People and Events 6 December 2024Lack of self-confidence is a quality that prevents you from living a full life and achieving success in life.
Kurchev Anton lack of self-confidence nature phrases board People and Events 5 December 2024If you want to understand the situation and not postpone the conflict indefinitely, then you simply need to put yourself in the other person’s shoes.
Igor Zur psychology of communication anger psychological stability useful tips and life hacks People and Events 27 November 2024What is Socrates' rule and how to apply it to whiners.
Igor Zur words and phrases psychological attitudes board People and Events 26 November 2024A simple trick that will allow you to extinguish and neutralize any conflict at its very beginning.
Igor Zur psychological trick quarrel in a relationship tricks People and Events 25 November 2024Experts count eight types of manipulators - some are aggressive, and some require help.
Igor Zur unhealthy relationship manipulation techniques character traits toxic relationship Love and Family 25 November 2024If you find yourself unable to maintain eye contact, begin to study the color of the person's eyes.
Igor Zur psychological trick useful tips and life hacks People and Events 25 November 2024Resentment forces a person to focus on negative feelings and makes him susceptible to the influence of stress.
Igor Zur consequences of stress communication negative emotions People and Events 19 November 2024Such questions and answers can be heard when communicating with work colleagues, friends or family members.
Igor Zur interesting facts questions culture of communication psychology of communication People and Events 19 November 2024Here are some examples of toxic phrases and tips on how to respond to such attacks.
Igor Zur emotions toxic people words and phrases board People and Events 18 November 2024Reciprocal ignoring should not look like revenge or hostility.
Igor Zur psychology of relationships useful tips and life hacks self-esteem issues attention People and Events 18 November 2024To begin with, simply learn to analyze your emotions and identify the signs of a brewing outburst of anger.
Igor Zur psychology of relationships anger aggression maintain health People and Events 14 November 2024Experts have told how to learn to argue and avoid conflict - remember the goal and respect.
Igor Zur respect useful tips and life hacks People and Events 13 November 2024Eight tricks of non-verbal communication will tell you more about a person than he wants to tell about himself.
Igor Zur psychology of communication character traits board People and Events 12 November 2024