Three simple ways to identify a person with an open heart in the first minutes of meeting.
Igor Zur feelings psychological attitudes emotions tricks People and Events 21 January 2025Experts have revealed how to learn to read people’s thoughts by their facial expressions.
Igor Zur psychology of communication useful tips and life hacks human behavior psychological attitudes People and Events 20 January 2025It is good if a person has many friends. However, in some cases it may be a case of fake friendship.
Kurchev Anton friendship Friends problems psychology of communication People and Events 17 January 2025Some terrible human behavior habits that push people away from us.
Igor Zur psychology of communication bad habits psychological attitudes psychology of success People and Events 16 January 2025Sometimes we are overly concerned with what other people think of us and how they think we should act.
Elena Shimanovskaya relationship choice partner phrases Love and Family 10 January 2025We've all had to deal with people who are trying to get praised by any means necessary.
Elena Shimanovskaya communication compliments conversation board People and Events 10 January 2025It is believed that people who are used to living in a slight disorder have unconventional thinking and creative abilities.
Igor Zur relationships character traits psychological attitudes emotions People and Events 7 January 2025People choose to stay sober for a variety of reasons: some care about their health, some want to maintain a clear mind, and some have no interest in alcohol at all.
Elena Shimanovskaya alcohol alcoholic drinks party refusal People and Events 5 January 2025Five steps to help you let go of resentment and start living with a clean slate - take a pen and a piece of paper.
Igor Zur psychological comfort an insult former relationship advice from psychologists People and Events 1 January 2025A few phrases that will help bring your personal interests closer to the interests of your interlocutor.
Igor Zur psychology of communication the secret to success negotiation words and phrases People and Events 30 December 2024To learn to sense fake people, you need to learn to hear your inner voice and trust your intuition.
Igor Zur intuition envious person toxic people self-confidence People and Events 30 December 2024Three tips to help you entertain your guests - without contests or outside help.
Igor Zur psychology of communication guests in the house entertainment board People and Events 25 December 2024Experts have named the most unsuccessful New Year gifts for women.
Igor Zur how to give gifts Advice for men New Year men and women People and Events 23 December 2024Five simple steps to help you turn your ordinary relationship into a romantic one.
Igor Zur man and woman healthy relationships romance in relationships board Love and Family 20 December 2024Four common phrases have been named that will not help to console a person, but will ruin the relationship.
Igor Zur mistakes in relationships words and phrases psychology of communication board People and Events 20 December 2024Some tips to help you change your life for the better.
Igor Zur how to attract success psychological attitudes board happiness in life People and Events 19 December 2024Experts have named five signs of a healthy and promising relationship - there is not a single reason for concern.
Igor Zur healthy relationships signs man and woman secrets of happiness Love and Family 19 December 2024Scientists have proven that moderate solitude is the best way to restore energy.
Igor Zur research by scientists loneliness interesting facts positive energy People and Events 18 December 2024To choose the perfect gift, you need to at least be imbued with attention to the person.
Igor Zur how to give gifts board age character traits People and Events 16 December 2024You may have noticed that after communicating with certain people, you begin to feel emotionally drained. Sometimes this feeling is accompanied by a headache or increased blood pressure.
Elena Shimanovskaya energy vampire People negative emotions People and Events 6 December 2024