We've all had to deal with people who are trying to get praised by any means necessary.
Elena Shimanovskaya communication communication with people conversation board People and Events 10 January 2025It turns out that the phrase “You’re not like everyone else” is no longer a compliment at all, but a real red flag.
Elena Shimanovskaya bad compliments relationship Love and Family 16 October 2024Girls are pleased to hear far from all flattering statements. There are popular compliments that upset young ladies.
Kurchev Anton bad compliments women phrases Advice for men Love and Family 26 September 2024A direct compliment can be perceived as ingratiation. But a compliment from a third person usually does not cause such a feeling.
Kurchev Anton communication relationships communication with people psychological trick People and Events 10 July 2024Having won a man's heart, a woman should not relax.
Kurchev Anton men and women relationships tricks Love and Family 5 July 2024Contrary to popular belief, it is not only women who need compliments, but also representatives of the stronger sex.
Kurchev Anton men phrases women's phrases Love and Family 4 July 2024Receiving compliments is nice. But many people find it difficult to respond to them correctly.
Valeria Kisternaya psychology board self assessment People and Events 20 June 2024Many women happily accept absolutely all compliments from their partner. But there are phrases that only "pretend" to be praise.
Kurchev Anton men and women bad compliments men's phrases advice for women Love and Family 14 June 2024Compliments are appreciated not only by women, but also by representatives of the stronger sex.
Kurchev Anton men communication men and women advice for women Love and Family 26 April 2024Israeli scientists have found out why not all women like to receive compliments.
Igor Zur woman research by scientists interesting facts female psychology People and Events 23 April 2024Compliments are not always beautiful and pleasant.
Kurchev Anton communication bad compliments dangerous words phrases People and Events 23 April 2024There are certain phrases that men consider compliments that girls would prefer never to hear.
Elena Shimanovskaya relationship man and woman date bad compliments Love and Family 5 April 2024These words also emphasize the woman’s excellent ability to listen.
Sergey Tumanov women relationship men Love and Family 5 May 2023Every woman loves to receive compliments, especially from men they like. However, not all compliments should be taken seriously.
Elena Gutyro men women relationship words Love and Family 24 April 2023