Imagine being with your loved one and suddenly images of their exes pop into your head. You try to push them away, but they keep coming back like an annoying melody.
Elena Shimanovskaya jealousy why does jealousy arise former ex-partner Love and Family 22 February 2025This state of affairs makes the girl worry and jealous, but is there a reason for this?
Valeria Kisternaya psychology reasons communication Love and Family 5 February 2025The human heart stores memories of past relationships, like photographs in an old album.
Valeria Kisternaya relationship psychology Love board Love and Family 4 February 2025Experts have listed situations in which a woman should not give her ex a second chance.
Igor Zur man and woman unhealthy relationship advice for women relationships Love and Family 28 January 2025Employees of the University of Auckland, which is located in Australia, became interested in what kind of psychotype people tend to communicate with their ex-partners.
Elena Shimanovskaya communication former ex-partner relationship Love and Family 20 January 2025The heart does not always obey the mind, and sometimes after a breakup it continues to retain echoes of past relationships.
Sergey Tumanov former ex-partner feelings relationship Love and Family 6 January 2025Five steps to help you let go of resentment and start living with a clean slate - take a pen and a piece of paper.
Igor Zur psychological comfort an insult communication with people advice from psychologists People and Events 1 January 2025Elizaveta Shevyrkova decided to renew her relationship with Basharov, but he marries another.
Igor Zur Marat Basharov personal life married couple divorce of spouses Show business 23 December 2024Timma's father commented on Sedokova's words on social networks about life in hell.
Igor Zur Janis Timma Anna Sedokova divorce of spouses personal life Show business 19 December 2024The media has learned details of the last month of Sedokova’s ex-husband’s life.
Igor Zur Anna Sedokova Janis Timma personal life divorce of spouses Show business 17 December 2024Women were told why a man could quickly find a replacement after a breakup - it's simpler than it seems.
Igor Zur man and woman self assessment personal life advice for women Love and Family 17 December 2024A girl who broke up with her boyfriend may well have a desire to renew the relationship.
Kurchev Anton ex-partner parting advice for women men Love and Family 20 November 2024How to stop thinking about your ex is a question that many people face after a relationship ends.
Sergey Tumanov ex-partner psychology advice for women Love and Family 19 October 2024Shaman's ex-wife was spotted in the company of Yegor Creed at a tribute concert for singer Valeria.
Igor Zur shaman reasons for divorce Egor Creed personal life Show business 4 October 2024Moral support from loved ones is exactly what is needed in the current situation.
Igor Zur get over a breakup advice for women psychological attitudes change of image Love and Family 29 September 2024If both partners have analyzed their mistakes, are ready for change and sincerely want to correct the situation, then they have a chance to build a healthy relationship on a new level.
Igor Zur healthy relationships Advice for lovers mistakes in marriage man and woman Love and Family 24 September 2024Some advice from a psychologist that will help women deal with the obsessive behavior of an ex.
Igor Zur advice for women Telegram psychology of relationships man and woman Love and Family 13 September 2024People can break up because of betrayal, quarrels, or because they are simply different.
Elena Gutyro signs of the zodiac love and relationships Horoscopes 12 September 2024It happens that our attention is so absorbed in the past that it prevents us from creating new relationships and living a fulfilling life in general.
Elena Shimanovskaya relationship parting ex-partner Love and Family 12 September 2024A psychologist told how to choose the right way to break up.
Igor Zur man and woman how to survive a breakup advice from psychologists psychology of relationships Love and Family 9 September 2024