Divorce has long-term consequences – personal, emotional, financial, etc.
Elena Shimanovskaya divorce spouses relationship parting Love and Family 19 December 2024Timma's father commented on Sedokova's words on social networks about life in hell.
Igor Zur Janis Timma Anna Sedokova former relationship personal life Show business 19 December 2024The media has learned details of the last month of Sedokova’s ex-husband’s life.
Igor Zur Anna Sedokova Janis Timma personal life former relationship Show business 17 December 2024Anna Sedokova published a video on social networks in which she addressed the public with one request.
Igor Zur Anna Sedokova Janis Timma personal life social media Show business 17 December 2024Parental divorce is a serious psychological blow for a child.
Kurchev Anton experiences child behavior parents and children Advice to parents Children 11 December 2024Observers assessed the changes in Vera Brezhneva’s appearance after her divorce from Meladze.
Igor Zur Vera Brezhneva Konstantin Meladze personal life artist Show business 9 September 2024Foreign experts have counted the 5 most popular reasons in society for which people decide to break up.
Igor Zur unhealthy relationship reasons for separation family happiness experts Love and Family 8 September 2024Pelageya intends to re-evaluate shares - a new lawsuit against Telegin.
Igor Zur Pelageya Ivan Telegin statement of claim real estate Show business 1 September 2024A survey conducted in Russia showed that men cheat twice as often as women.
Igor Zur change of husband interesting facts research trust in relationships Love and Family 31 July 2024When lovers get married, they strive to become closer to each other. In the case of divorce, the situation is the opposite - they begin to move in opposite directions.
Elena Shimanovskaya divorce spouses husband and wife reasons Love and Family 23 June 2024