When lovers get married, they strive to become closer to each other. In the case of divorce, the situation is the opposite - they begin to move in opposite directions.
However, some couples continue to live together even after their relationship has been officially dissolved. Why this happens – we will tell you in this article.
Joint property
This reason is probably the most common. The ex-spouses simply have nowhere else to go, and neither of them wants to move to a rented apartment.

General business
Long-term investment in a common business is the key to its success. If the business is profitable, its division can take years, during which it will be determined who contributed more to the prosperity and when. To avoid this, former spouses continue to live together and thus tacitly control each other.
Raising children
Many parents fear that divorce will somehow harm the child, which is why they continue to create the appearance of a happy, full-fledged family. However, children feel and see everything. And if there is an unspoken cold war between mother and father, the younger members of the family are likely to suffer from the current state of affairs.
Psychological unpreparedness to accept the situation
Despite the fact that the marriage is dissolved, subconsciously the former spouses are afraid to start a new life and finally put an end to it.
The illusion of continuing the relationship
Sometimes one of the spouses subconsciously disagrees with the divorce and perceives cohabitation as a way to restore the relationship. Or the couple simply does not want to publicly declare that their marriage has broken up, feeling guilty in front of friends and relatives.
Earlier we listed phrases that are best not to say when breaking up.