A very small child is unlikely to say: "Mom, I love you." However, a parent can find out whether the baby loves her even without hearing the words.
Kurchev Anton parents and children baby Love signs Children 8 January 2025Many parents react inappropriately to their children's crying.
Kurchev Anton the child is crying tears Parents' phrases Advice to parents Children 20 December 2024Mom and dad would do wrong if they enrolled their child in several sections at once and forced him to attend a lot of extra classes.
Kurchev Anton parents and children loads classes Advice to parents Children 13 December 2024Parental divorce is a serious psychological blow for a child.
Kurchev Anton divorce of spouses experiences parents and children Advice to parents Children 11 December 2024Sometimes parental help is unnecessary and only harms the baby.
Kurchev Anton Advice to parents help Parents' mistakes Children 3 December 2024Is your son or daughter stubborn and ignores most of your demands? Try changing your communication style with your child!
Kurchev Anton parents and children Advice to parents phrases Children 23 November 2024A child must have friends. Otherwise, the baby will feel unhappy.
Kurchev Anton parents and children Parents' mistakes loneliness problems Children 22 November 2024A child who is rude to his parents may be motivated by various reasons.
Elena Shimanovskaya child parents parents and children rudeness Children 21 November 2024Children need care from their parents, but they do not respond well to overprotection: they need partial freedom. Constant calls and messages irritate them.
Kurchev Anton parents and children Advice to parents smartphones the rules Children 20 November 2024Isolation, shyness, indecision - these are the qualities that prevent a person from achieving success in life.
Kurchev Anton shyness in a child exercise Advice to parents Children 15 November 2024Many parents are sure that a child should not "splash out" negative emotions. But this is a mistake.
Kurchev Anton negative emotions anger Parents' mistakes Advice to parents Children 15 November 2024Let the child decide for himself who is worth sharing with and who is not. The child should manage his things as he sees fit.
Kurchev Anton parents and children greed the rules Advice to parents Children 12 November 2024How do you know if you're doing a great job as a parent?
Kurchev Anton Mother signs Children 11 October 2024Small children can be frightened by many things: thunderstorms, barking dogs, enclosed spaces, darkness.
Kurchev Anton fear Parents' phrases Parents' mistakes Children 9 October 2024The three-year crisis is a period during which a small child's behavior changes.
Kurchev Anton crisis the rules Advice to parents Children 1 October 2024Many children love to complain about certain problems.
Kurchev Anton complaint Advice to parents Parents' phrases question Children 27 September 2024Many kids like to paint wallpaper. But parents are clearly not thrilled with this kind of children's hobby.
Kurchev Anton drawing tricks Advice to parents Children 27 September 2024The point is this: the child is not put in a corner, but sent to some quiet room. The parent stays with the child.
Kurchev Anton bad behavior Punishment of children techniques Advice to parents Children 7 September 2024You can easily turn a lazy and disobedient baby into a child who will happily fulfill all your requests.
Kurchev Anton parents and children phrases tricks Advice to parents Children 28 August 2024Any child, even the most obedient and calm, will sooner or later do something wrong.
Kurchev Anton parents and children communication with a child phrases Advice to parents Children 23 August 2024