Many parents are sure that a child should not "splash out" negative emotions. But this is a mistake.
Kurchev Anton child behavior negative emotions Parents' mistakes Advice to parents Children 15 November 2024Anger can be caused by different circumstances and situations.
Valeria Kisternaya psychology anger board reasons People and Events 17 September 2024Oddly enough, you don't need a perfect appearance to become an attractive person.
Kurchev Anton bad habits behavior People and Events 10 August 2024Many of us face the fact that, when experiencing some difficulties in life or experiencing accumulated stress, we simply take it out on loved ones - these could be family members, children, friends or a love partner.
Valeria Kisternaya psychology quarreling People and Events 18 July 2024Even the most pretty girl will stop seeming attractive if she starts behaving incorrectly.
Kurchev Anton women women's behavior annoying habits men Love and Family 8 July 2024If a child expresses his negative emotions, then this is normal. You should not scold him for this or punish him physically. It is much better to help the child sublimate aggression with the help of exercises.
Olga Kotova negative emotions emotions children and family raising children Children 21 February 2024Even if your furry pet is an angel in the flesh, it can turn into a real demon. If, of course, the necessary "conditions" are created for this.
Elena Shimanovskaya cats cats pets and animals pets Pets 16 December 2023You need to know your enemy in person to understand what to do with him.
Valeria Kisternaya psychology jealousy board Love Love and Family 25 September 2023Sometimes pets get angry for their owners. And people can't always understand this.
Kurchev Anton cats pets behavior signs Pets 3 September 2023A child who is rude in communication can cause anxiety and questions in parents.
Valeria Kisternaya psychology child upbringing board parents Children 11 July 2023The emotions of anger and rage are traditionally considered negative.
Valeria Kisternaya psychology board aggression People and Events 5 February 2023The topic of the need to express or suppress emotions is one of the most discussed issues in psychology.
Valeria Kisternaya psychology board emotions People and Events 1 February 2023