A mini-drama unfolds on the playground: three-year-old Vanya is clutching a brightly colored truck tightly in his hands, and a neighbor boy is pulling him towards himself, shouting: “Give it to me!”
Elena Shimanovskaya child council mom dad raising children secrets of education Children 26 February 2025You buy expensive toys, allow them to stay up until midnight and are afraid to say “no” so as not to traumatize the psyche.
Valeria Kisternaya children psychology Children 26 February 2025“Let him do whatever he wants, as long as he doesn’t yell!” – this phrase can be heard in every store, park or cafe.
Valeria Kisternaya children child board Children 22 February 2025Modern psychologists are sure that geniuses are not born. They are made.
Elena Shimanovskaya training education raising children raising a smart child Children 21 February 2025Does your child not share toys, demand expensive gadgets and slam the door when you ask for help?
Elena Shimanovskaya egoism raising children Advice to parents spoiled child Children 19 February 2025Perfectionist parents, stop!
Valeria Kisternaya psychology children child parents Children 18 February 2025"Have you seen her daughter? At five years old, she speaks three languages!" parents whisper at school meetings.
Elena Shimanovskaya council mom dad brick child parents and children Children 14 February 2025A study in the Journal of Child Psychology (2023) revealed shocking data: children who began socialization before age 3 are twice as likely to suffer from “fake emotion syndrome” – the habit of faking joy or calmness in order to please caregivers.
Elena Shimanovskaya kindergarten raising children child children's behavior Children 14 February 2025“Three mugs is the minimum for a decent family,” many caring mothers believe.
Elena Shimanovskaya raising children development child development child Children 14 February 2025In raising children, you need to use not only the “stick”, but also the “carrot”.
Elena Shimanovskaya child encouragement raising children council mom dad Children 11 February 2025No matter how hard you try to raise your children, they will be like you.
Valeria Kisternaya psychology family children child Love and Family 7 February 2025There is no such term as "beer belly" in medicine.
Elena Shimanovskaya proper nutrition food food junk food Diets 25 January 2025We'll tell you what will happen if you often tell your child "no" and what to replace this word with.
Timur Khomichev children and parents raising children prohibitions ban Children 22 January 2025Even during infancy, cats remain predators and actively use their sharp teeth, which can cause significant pain to their owners.
Elena Shimanovskaya cats cats pets and animals the cat bites Pets 17 January 2025Not all of the “educational” phrases popular with parents are effective and useful for the child.
Kurchev Anton parents and children Parents' mistakes Parents' phrases Advice to parents Children 14 January 2025Some (let's hope, few) dog owners, faced with problems of toilet training their pet, make a gross mistake.
Elena Shimanovskaya dogs pets and animals dog training punishment Pets 11 January 2025Every parent sooner or later faces the question: when can you start leaving your child home alone?
Elena Shimanovskaya child loneliness parents and children council mom dad Children 10 January 2025“But Vanya/Masha/Petya…”, “Other people’s children are just children, but you…”, “But when I was your age…” – parents say all these phrases when they want their child to be ideal and to be proud of.
Elena Shimanovskaya Parents' phrases words and phrases raising children children and parents Children 3 January 2025If you've never encountered the term "white noise" before, here's the definition: it's a mixture of sounds that are simultaneously played at all frequencies that the human ear can perceive.
Elena Shimanovskaya child parents and children raising children council mom dad Children 2 January 2025We tell you about five irreparable mistakes in raising children.
Timur Khomichev children and parents raising children mistakes Parents' mistakes Children 18 December 2024