“But Vanya/Masha/Petya…”, “Other people’s children are just children, but you…”, “But when I was your age…” – parents say all these phrases when they want their child to be ideal and to be proud of.
Elena Shimanovskaya Parents' phrases words and phrases raising children children and parents Children 3 January 2025If you've never encountered the term "white noise" before, here's the definition: it's a mixture of sounds that are simultaneously played at all frequencies that the human ear can perceive.
Elena Shimanovskaya child parents and children raising children council mom dad Children 2 January 2025We tell you about five irreparable mistakes in raising children.
Timur Khomichev children and parents raising children mistakes Parents' mistakes Children 18 December 2024Sometimes parents get irritated even by their own child.
Elena Shimanovskaya child children and parents council mom dad raising children Children 13 December 2024Probably, every parent would like their child to grow up smart, capable, kind and responsive, but it is not always possible to achieve this goal.
Elena Shimanovskaya parents and children child raising children spoiled child Children 9 December 2024How to organize proper nutrition for a cat in the autumn-winter period.
Igor Zur Tips for cat owners healthy diet cat health Pets 15 November 2024A child can turn into a naughty little monster for a variety of reasons.
Elena Shimanovskaya raising children children and parents child Children 5 November 2024Experts are convinced that even parents should not touch a child’s toys without permission.
Elena Shimanovskaya child council mom dad raising children Children 17 October 2024Even modern parents who visit a psychologist and read specialized literature can use phrases that can negatively affect their children in the future.
Elena Shimanovskaya child fear council mom dad Children 8 October 2024Questions regarding co-sleeping – its appropriateness, possibility and duration – should be decided on an individual basis.
Elena Shimanovskaya council mom dad child Children 5 October 2024When communicating with other families, many mothers and fathers involuntarily compare their child with his peers.
Elena Shimanovskaya child comparison Children 1 October 2024Not everyone knows how to help a child return to their usual routine after the summer.
Marina Michalap children and family preparation for school Advice to parents Children 15 August 2024In their daily lives, mothers set ever higher standards for themselves.
Sergey Tumanov Top news parents and children family parents Children 13 August 2024There are actions that should never be forgiven in adult children.
Timur Khomichev parents and children children and parents grown up children raising children Children 2 August 2024Today mobile phones have become an integral part of our lives.
Elena Shimanovskaya child smartphone raising children Children 1 August 2024Even a very naughty child will fulfill a request without whining or hysterics if you ask him correctly.
Timur Khomichev parents and children children and parents raising children Children 31 July 2024Already in early childhood, a child should learn about the existence of “magic” words and phrases that will help him communicate correctly with people.
Kurchev Anton parents and children words and phrases Advice to parents Children 31 July 2024Many mothers and fathers are sure that reading fairy tales to children in the evening is a senseless waste of time. Let us emphasize right away: this conclusion is incorrect.
Kurchev Anton Advice to parents parents and children literature Children 26 July 2024Only a child who was doing something could sit down to eat: helping around the house, doing homework, going to the store for groceries.
Sergey Tumanov Top news USSR raising children in the USSR life hacks Children 17 July 2024Scientists have explained why cats scratch furniture and what stress and nerves have to do with it.
Igor Zur cat in the apartment Tips for cat owners the cat is tearing up the furniture research by scientists Pets 4 July 2024