Many are afraid to destroy the illusion of the “perfect couple”, even if they see real cracks.
Igor Zur save the relationship man and woman Advice for lovers marriage and love Love and Family 14 February 2025Your child admitted that he has no friends? Don't criticize the baby!
Kurchev Anton child childhood friendship parents and children Advice to parents Children 23 January 2025It is good if a person has many friends. However, in some cases it may be a case of fake friendship.
Kurchev Anton friendship problems psychology of communication communication with people People and Events 17 January 2025Friendship is important for every person. If he fails to realize himself in such a significant area, most likely he will experience great discomfort because of it.
Elena Shimanovskaya friendship relationship how to find a friend psychology People and Events 16 December 2024To win over any person, you can use the proven methods from this article - all of them are backed by science.
Elena Shimanovskaya friendship how to find a friend psychology People and Events 16 November 2024Not everyone knows why many people do not listen to friendly advice.
Marina Michalap friendship social psychology advice from psychologists People and Events 13 October 2024In a situation where your partner doesn't get along with your friends, you find yourself between two fires: you don't want to leave your significant other without attention, nor do you want to stop communicating with your friends.
Elena Shimanovskaya Love relationship friendship Love and Family 5 October 2024Some people are very good at disguising themselves as "friends".
Kurchev Anton signs behavior psychology People and Events 20 September 2024As a rule, after the wedding our life changes dramatically: new responsibilities, plans, etc. appear, but there is almost always no time left for old friends.
Elena Shimanovskaya friendship wedding marriage Love and Family 24 June 2024Many parents are irritated by the frequent appearance of their child's friends in the house.
Kurchev Anton parents and children apartment child behavior Advice to parents Children 21 May 2024If you have a friend who is a new parent, you might need these tips on how to maintain your friendship.
Elena Shimanovskaya children and family parents friendship People and Events 15 April 2024Sometimes it makes sense to break off friendships - otherwise, negative influence on you and your future life will be guaranteed.
Elena Shimanovskaya friendship relationship People and Events 12 April 2024In every person's life there are people who play a special role, and these are his friends.
Elena Shimanovskaya friendship relationship People People and Events 1 April 2024As you age, it can be harder to find new friends, but it can be even harder to reconnect with old friends with whom you parted ways at some point.
Olga Kotova friendship relationship useful tips and life hacks People and Events 28 March 2024Sometimes people notice that their friends often repeat their words, listen to the same songs, use their jokes and imitate them in behavior and manner of speech.
Elena Shimanovskaya behavior friendship People and Events 27 March 2024There are several reasons why, as people grow older, they stop actively making new contacts and lose friendships.
Elena Shimanovskaya friendship age People and Events 26 March 2024Any relationship requires effort from all sides so that it is ultimately healthy and strong. Friendship is no exception. You can always improve its quality even with little things.
Olga Kotova friendship relationship board People and Events 22 March 2024It's no secret that friends make us happy.
Elena Shimanovskaya friendship relationship relationships between people People and Events 20 March 2024Does your friend often take things from you, but rarely give them back without a reminder? This is just another "red flag" in such a relationship.
Olga Kotova communication with people signs communication People and Events 18 March 2024There comes a point in a relationship when you have to meet your partner's friends.
Elena Shimanovskaya relationship partner friendship boy and girl Love and Family 13 March 2024