In every person's life there are people who play a special role, and these are his friends.
Today we invite you to find out what it takes to form a friendship, and why a once strong friendship can remain just a memory.
When we meet someone new, we don't know how many interests and hobbies we have in common.

However, as we get to know each other better, we discover that we have a lot in common.
The more interests and hobbies we share, the stronger our friendship becomes.
As time goes by, we have more and more common interests and topics for conversation, which helps us become even closer to each other.
But sooner or later we reach a certain point in our relationship when our growing closer may slow down or stop.
There are two possible scenarios for the development of events: the situation remains the same, or there is a distancing if there are no new common interests, but the old ones have changed.
As a result, we gradually begin to distance ourselves from each other: meetings become less frequent, calls become shorter, and, finally, the person moves from the category of our friends to the category of acquaintances.
Previously, we listed 5 signs that it’s time to quit your job.