3 Times It's Better to End a Friendship: In the Future, You'll Thank Yourself for This Decision

12.04.2024 14:51

Sometimes it makes sense to break off friendships - otherwise, negative influence on you and your future life will be guaranteed.

We will share some tips that will help you understand that it is time to think about ending the friendship.

A friend is pushing you into immoral behavior

Alarm bells should ring in your head when your friend asks you to lie for him or to hide the truth.

Young woman
Photo: © Belnovosti

Most likely, the number of such requests will only grow over time, and they themselves will become more and more serious.

A friend asks you to indulge his immoral actions

The difference from the previous case is that the friend asks not only to reconcile and hide his immoral actions, but also to join them.

Is it worth continuing a friendship with a person whose behavior harms not only himself, but also others (including you)?

A friend asks to harm someone

Perhaps, as in the first case, we are talking about something insignificant, but if you see that your friend wants to do all the “dirty work” with your hands, there is something to think about.

Previously we wrote about why people get tattoos .

Elena Shimanovskaya Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Editor of Internet resources

  1. A friend is pushing you into immoral behavior
  2. A friend asks you to indulge his immoral actions
  3. A friend asks to harm someone

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