Having breakfast together, taking walks before bed, or even having five-minute tea without gadgets creates space for informal communication.
Igor Zur psychological habits mistakes silence save the relationship People and Events 10 March 2025Experts have given simple advice that will help avoid stress and maintain mutual respect when communicating with elderly parents.
Igor Zur children and parents psychological stability negative emotions elderly people Children 11 February 2025Partners should still have the opportunity to meet with friends, devote time to their interests, and develop.
Igor Zur healthy relationships family life advice from psychologists save the relationship Love and Family 30 December 2024Cases have been named when you can break off communication with toxic relatives - for the sake of your health.
Igor Zur unhealthy relationship toxic relationship breakup of relations psychological comfort Love and Family 17 December 2024Evgeny Petrosyan filed a lawsuit against his daughter Viktorina - he wants to evict her from the apartment.
Igor Zur Evgeniy Petrosyan statement of claim apartment Telegram Show business 2 December 2024Due to some mistakes of parents, adult children will stop communicating with them.
Marina Michalap grown up children children and family advice from psychologists Children 26 September 2024There are positive aspects to running a business with family.
Vitaly Kisterny business relatives family money work Economy 16 June 2024Sometimes something unpleasant happens in the lives of our family and friends.
Kurchev Anton communication questions psychological trick People and Events 12 March 2024The phrase “We’re relatives,” is usually followed by a request to borrow money or provide a service, for which the asker plans to pay back sometime later (if at all).
Elena Shimanovskaya relatives request family relationships refusal People and Events 6 March 2024It's not often that a girl can say that her mother-in-law treats her like her own daughter.
Sergey Tumanov family family and relationships relatives Love and Family 28 February 2024Sometimes even close people can have a bad influence on us.
Marina Michalap communication with people advice from psychologists People and Events 28 February 2024For some of us, meeting relatives is a real test of nerves.
Dmitry Liskovich psychology relatives Useful tips 17 January 2024