Not everyone is lucky with their loved ones. Relationships with new relatives may not work out from the very first meeting.
In this case, thoughts about breaking off communication come by themselves, but this is an extreme measure.
Experts have explained in what cases it is possible to stop communicating with toxic relatives.

You realize that you have problems.
Up to a certain point, a person is ready to put up with difficulties, explaining his patience by family ties.
Problems begin from the moment when you realize that you are no longer able to control the behavior of your loved one.
In this case, it is better to distance yourself from relatives for a while.
When you realize that a break is necessary
And this case only implies a temporary break.
Relationships with relatives are put on pause in order to rethink the current situation.
You need to do the same when you need to focus on yourself, your problems, goals, etc.
There are no other options left
If your personal boundaries have been constantly violated, you have honestly tried to overcome existing contradictions and have tried all options, then you can put an end to it.
In this case, the decision can be called the only correct one. Your health and well-being will depend on its adoption.
But before deciding on an important step, it is necessary to evaluate all the consequences.
Remember that a complete break in communication is only justified if the attempts made have proven unsuccessful.