Reflecting Negativity: An Interesting Psychological Trick That Will Make You Less Criticized

24.01.2025 14:39

Nobody likes to be criticized.

Moreover, sometimes criticism turns out to be unfair.

What should you do if your boss, client, partner, friend or relative starts to “reprimand” you?

The answer is simple: we need to reflect the negative. And in the literal sense.

We need to make the "critic" see his face. Then he will become less aggressive.

Photo: © Belnovosti

How to Reflect Negativity

It is enough to sit in a suitable place: where there is a mirror.

The reflective surface should be located behind you.

In this case, it will be very difficult to criticize you.

The reason is simple: the interlocutor will see his own reflection.

He will definitely notice his face distorted with anger.

Of course, he will feel unpleasant. To get rid of the negative feeling, he will become calmer.

The person will be forced to “reduce” anger in order to make his facial expression neutral.

The other person will become less emotional: no shouting or insults.

There may be criticism, but the interlocutor will express it in the most correct form.

Kurchev Anton Author: Kurchev Anton Deputy Editor-in-Chief