Imagine that you are constantly expecting a trick because you don’t believe that you can be loved just like that.
Igor Zur unhealthy relationship Advice for lovers negative emotions how to keep love Love and Family 27 February 2025Why do some people easily conquer new heights, while others stagnate for years? The answer is not in luck or talent, but in the ability to believe in yourself.
Elena Shimanovskaya confidence self-confidence psychology features People and Events 26 February 2025In most cases, a person is able to help himself - 5 rules for developing self-confidence.
Igor Zur psychology psychological comfort board strong character People and Events 22 January 2025In some cases, jealousy may be caused by a lack of self-confidence, but this can be overcome.
Igor Zur healthy relationships Advice for lovers why does jealousy arise save the relationship Love and Family 25 December 2024Communication will become easier and freer.
Kurchev Anton psychology communication psychological trick tricks People and Events 25 December 2024Mistakes in raising children that doom them to constant doubts and mistrust in adulthood are named.
Igor Zur raising children Parents' mistakes self-esteem issues Advice to parents Children 19 December 2024Lack of self-confidence is a quality that prevents you from living a full life and achieving success in life.
Kurchev Anton nature phrases communication with people board People and Events 5 December 2024How can you transform from a shy and timid person into a charismatic and determined person?
Kurchev Anton behavior exercise psychology People and Events 4 November 2024Lack (or even complete absence) of love from parents has an extremely negative effect on a child. Psychological trauma received in childhood will make itself felt in adulthood.
Kurchev Anton signs problems Children 20 September 2024How to stop being afraid of others and learn to respect yourself - a step-by-step instruction in 10 points.
Igor Zur psychological stability how to increase self-esteem psychological trick board People and Events 18 September 2024Some signs will help you to accurately identify an insecure man.
Marina Michalap psychology of man advice for women Love and Family 24 July 2024What is laziness and why is a child lazy.
Igor Zur raising children fighting laziness Advice to parents child development Children 23 June 2024If you get rid of such disadvantages, then a person will look dignified, even if he is very worried and afraid of his interlocutors.
Kurchev Anton human behavior low self-esteem signs board People and Events 4 June 2024Words and phrases that self-confident people say are named.
Igor Zur words and phrases psychological attitudes psychology of personality communication People and Events 30 May 2024Insecurity is usually an acquired quality. Its appearance is usually preceded by some unsuccessful experience, memorable defeat, pain, etc.
Elena Shimanovskaya child children and family psychology Children 24 March 2024