During the shedding season, cat hair can end up anywhere – on outerwear in the closet, on the kitchen work surface, in corners and on upholstered furniture.
One day it ends and the pet owner breathes a sigh of relief.
Sometimes the shedding process drags on for months rather than weeks. You could even say that it never stops, except for short breaks.

In such cases, experts advise paying attention to the pet’s age, breed, and health.
Why do cats shed?
Pets' fur changes with the change of warm and cold seasons of the year, which is provided by nature.
The intensity of shedding is determined by the animal's breed and age, care and nutrition.
It is believed that with age the process of hair renewal slows down, and in long-haired breeds, shedding takes longer.
What should the owner do?
1. Combing in this case is mandatory, but not the main procedure.
Various kinds of devices only help to collect six, but do not solve the problem itself.
2. More success can be achieved if you choose the right shampoo for animals and bathe your pet.
3. But what can really help a cat survive a difficult period is a normal diet.
The food must contain Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids.
It would be a good idea to seek help from a veterinarian, as prolonged shedding may indicate hidden health problems.
In general, experts advise taking a comprehensive approach to solving the problem.
Quality food, proper care and veterinary consultation will help avoid complications.