Experts dispel popular myths about castration and sterilization - about the first offspring, lifestyle and more.
Igor Zur cat health castration Tips for cat owners Pets 26 November 2024A veterinarian dispelled the myth about the harm of raw meat and liver for cats.
Igor Zur cat health pet food vitamins vet for cat Pets 13 August 2024A specialist dispelled 5 myths about animal allergies in children that parents believe.
Igor Zur Advice to parents children and dogs myths about dogs children's health Children 8 August 2024Allergy sufferers should not believe in the existence of safe cat breeds.
Igor Zur Tips for cat owners allergy maintain health cat breeds Pets 6 June 2024It turns out that not all cats adapt to loneliness so well.
Igor Zur There are cats living in the apartment cat behavior loneliness research by scientists Pets 5 March 2024Hypoallergenic cats do not exist in nature, and hairless breeds can be even more dangerous for allergy sufferers than regular ones.
Igor Zur cat breeds mistakes allergy useful tips and life hacks Pets 7 February 2024