That is why dog experts do not recommend having Border Collie, Akita Inu and Dalmatian dogs in families with children.
Igor Zur board canine dog breeds Tips for dog owners dog training Pets 17 January 2025A veterinarian told us which animal is best to choose for a small child.
Igor Zur veterinarian Advice to parents Children 20 August 2024Having a pet near a child is a very good thing.
Kurchev Anton pets Advice to parents character traits Pets 19 August 2024We tell you which dog breeds are not suitable for families with children.
Timur Khomichev dog dog breeds dangerous dogs Pets 9 August 2024A specialist dispelled 5 myths about animal allergies in children that parents believe.
Igor Zur Advice to parents myths about dogs myths about cats children's health Children 8 August 2024The friendship between children and pets is always a result of a lot of work by adults. Therefore, it is important to properly prepare a child for the appearance of an animal in the house.
Olga Kotova dog training puppy pets the rules Pets 14 March 2024A dog may treat all household members equally, but it will have a special affection for children.
Igor Zur dog in the apartment Tips for dog owners dog training pets Pets 15 February 2024If your child takes a long time to persuade you to get a dog, then you should approach the process of choosing a breed with the utmost responsibility.
Olga Kotova children and family dogs pets pets and animals Pets 10 February 2024Not everyone knows why children should not have contact with strange dogs.
Marina Michalap raising children child behavior Advice to parents Children 18 January 2024