Dogs' hearing is much sharper than humans' - they can detect sounds at frequencies that are inaccessible to humans.
Igor Zur facts about dogs interesting facts animal behavior dog in the apartment Pets 1 December 2024A dog expert has dispelled the popular myth about the good health of mongrel dogs.
Igor Zur Tips for dog owners dog health cynologist animal care Pets 10 November 2024British scientists have come to the conclusion that the health of non-purebred dogs is not much better than that of purebred dogs.
Igor Zur dog health dog breeds research by scientists genetics Pets 9 September 2024A specialist dispelled 5 myths about animal allergies in children that parents believe.
Igor Zur Advice to parents children and dogs myths about cats children's health Children 8 August 2024Experts have named three dog breeds that have almost no doggy smell.
Igor Zur dog health dog breeds facts about dogs about dogs Pets 8 February 2024The dog trainer said that a dog needs to be walked every day - the size of the pet does not matter.
Igor Zur facts about dogs dog walking board canine mistakes Pets 18 January 2024