How to wash dried fruits correctly - soak in warm water or pour boiling water over them.
Igor Zur washed dried fruits harmful substances mistakes maintain health Beauty and health 4 October 2024An endocrinologist named 3 reasons to stop eating raw chicken eggs.
Igor Zur chicken eggs medical advice salmonella high cholesterol Beauty and health 25 September 2024Allergy is a fairly common disease, the exact cause of which is sometimes impossible to determine. This also applies to solar urticaria - an allergy to sunlight.
Elena Shimanovskaya Sun sunlight solar urticaria sun allergy People and Events 14 September 2024Scientists have warned about the hidden danger of cotton candy when buying it on the street.
Igor Zur harm of sugar board cotton candy diabetes mellitus the harm of fast food Beauty and health 27 August 2024Nutritionist Novikova told us which color apples are the healthiest.
Igor Zur proper nutrition tasty apples vitamins in plants diseases Diets 6 August 2024Water, as we know, is vital for humans. But what if you are allergic to it?
Elena Shimanovskaya water disease health allergy to water Beauty and health 22 July 2024As you know, some people suffer from allergies, and sometimes the cause of unpleasant symptoms is cats and dogs.
Elena Shimanovskaya cats cats dogs pets and animals Pets 16 July 2024Unfortunately, if an animal has shown signs of an allergy, all that a veterinarian can offer its owner is to gradually eliminate possible allergens and monitor the condition of your pet.
Elena Shimanovskaya People animals pets and animals allergy to people People and Events 23 June 2024Many people believe (spoiler: incorrectly) that allergies are only caused by cat hair.
Elena Shimanovskaya cats cats pets and animals hairless cat Pets 22 June 2024Allergy sufferers should not believe in the existence of safe cat breeds.
Igor Zur Tips for cat owners maintain health cat breeds myths about cats Pets 6 June 2024Research has shown that an elimination diet can help you lose weight.
Igor Zur proper nutrition excess weight food products research Diets 31 May 2024Oatmeal is tasty and healthy. But not for all people.
Kurchev Anton oatmeal food products board diet Beauty and health 24 May 2024Yeast is good for your health, but people with allergies should be careful with it.
Igor Zur maintain health healthy products vitamins yeast Beauty and health 10 May 2024Is it okay to eat yogurt before bed or can it be harmful to your health?
Igor Zur proper nutrition benefits of yogurt maintain health food products Beauty and health 22 April 2024The flowering period is difficult for those people who suffer from pollen allergies.
Elena Shimanovskaya food products ban seasonal allergies health Beauty and health 20 April 2024Before getting a purring cat, you need to analyze your own character, lifestyle and health.
Kurchev Anton cat People character traits human behavior Pets 12 April 2024Honey, as we know, is a natural immunomodulator, contains a lot of vitamins and can even act as a natural antidepressant.
Elena Shimanovskaya honey pregnancy food products can pregnant women have honey Beauty and health 5 April 2024Dark circles under the eyes spoil a person's appearance.
Kurchev Anton appearance circles under the eyes smoking healthy sleep Beauty and health 5 April 2024Before getting a dog, you need to analyze your own condition and mood.
Kurchev Anton pets dog training signs facts about dogs Pets 27 March 2024If an allergy to cats is diagnosed, then you cannot have an animal.
Igor Zur longhaired cats Tips for cat owners health facts about cats Pets 19 March 2024