What Does Your Cat Know? Scary Signals Pets Give Before Trouble

19.02.2025 20:45

Cats have lived alongside humans for thousands of years, but still remain a mystery.

Many still believe that these creatures are given the ability to see things that people do not know and have never seen. However, what the supporters of this concept talk about is usually called a myth.

What do cats feel?

Their ability to sense illness, weather changes, and even the approach of death is surrounded by myths.

Photo: © Belnovosti

However, stories about pets lying on their owner's sore spot or meowing before an earthquake have scientific explanations.

Cats can detect the slightest changes in body odor, temperature and behavior.

For example, with oncology or diabetes, the body's biochemistry changes, and the animal's keen sense of smell registers this.

Before an epileptic seizure, a person may move chaotically, frightening the pet, which begins to rush about or meow loudly.

How to distinguish intuition from coincidence

If your cat suddenly avoids your company, hisses for no reason, or persistently pokes its muzzle into a certain part of the body, this is a reason to see a doctor.

For example, one woman noticed that her cat was constantly lying on her chest. After examination, she was diagnosed with early stage mastopathy.

Cats also sense changes in atmospheric pressure.

Before a thunderstorm, they may hide or, on the contrary, run nervously around the house. Some pets predict their owner's migraines: they begin to purr or rub against the head several hours before the attack.

But don’t rush to see mysticism in every action.

Sometimes strange behavior is simply stress or lack of attention. Watch your pet: if the “signals” are repeated and coincide with your poor health, it’s worth thinking about.

In any case, cats teach us to be more attentive to ourselves and the world around us.

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. What do cats feel?
  2. How to distinguish intuition from coincidence

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