Experts dispel popular myths about castration and sterilization - about the first offspring, lifestyle and more.
Igor Zur cat health myths about cats Tips for cat owners Pets 26 November 2024Castration, like sterilization, is a fairly common operation among pets.
Elena Shimanovskaya cats cats pets and animals Pets 27 September 2024Often pet owners believe that if their pet does not cause them problems, then it does not need to be neutered.
Elena Shimanovskaya pets and animals pets cats dogs Pets 13 March 2024Often, cat owners who decide to castrate their pets are at a loss: how will the animal treat them now?
Elena Shimanovskaya cats cats pets behavior Pets 15 March 2023In colloquial speech, even those people who consider themselves avid cat lovers confuse the concepts of “castration” and “sterilization”.
Elena Shimanovskaya cats cats pets health Pets 14 March 2023