The Most Common Myths About Cats Have Been Named: Stop Believing Fables

28.01.2025 09:48

For a modern person who has access to almost any information of interest, including scientific data, it is simply shameful to continue to believe myths and fables.

But this circumstance does not stop everyone from taking rash actions.

Experts have named the three most common myths about cats that people continue to believe.

Photo: © Belnovosti

The first myth

The independent character and behavior of a solitary predator turned the pet into a proud egoist.

In fact, cats are not obstinate, but on the contrary, they are docile and obedient.

They sincerely love their owners and not at all for a bowl of food, as many say.

If a cat behaves wildly, then this is most likely a result of improper upbringing and cruel treatment of the pet.

The second myth

History is silent about who came up with the idea that a cat has nine lives.

But the misconception about the vitality of cats has given rise to another myth - that animals can somehow heal themselves, simply by lying somewhere under a closet for a few days.

This is only true if the pet was caught in a draft somewhere, nothing more.

Detachment, apathy, lack of appetite and other changes in behavior indicate that the animal needs veterinary help.

The third myth

Many people still doubt the intellectual abilities of cats, considering them stupid compared to dogs.

In fact, a cat's IQ is not much inferior to a dog's, and the difference in behavior is explained by the different nature of these animals.

Cats are naturally independent and less dependent on humans, which makes them more intelligent.

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. The first myth
  2. The second myth
  3. The third myth

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