Why does a cat sneeze and when does a veterinarian's help need to be sought: a sure sign

02.10.2024 17:31

Cats don't sneeze as often as humans. This is mostly due to the animal's reaction to dust or allergies.

Sneezing cats are usually given little attention, but only until the pet begins to sneeze regularly.

Let's find out in what cases an animal may need veterinary help and what could be the cause of a cat's sneezing.

Photo: © Belnovosti


Firstly, the reaction may follow from household chemicals that the housewife uses during cleaning, the use of aromatic oils in the house or spices in the kitchen.

Secondly, the filler in the cat litter box can have a very persistent odor.

Thirdly, if wet cleaning is rarely done in the house, then the accumulated dust can also make the pet sneeze.

All these cases can be called harmless. The cause is easy to eliminate and you won't have to take the animal for examination.

Reason to think

You will have to make an appointment with a veterinarian if you have eliminated the cause and the animal continues to sneeze.

In such cases, one can suspect an infectious disease, a reaction to toxins, an allergy, and even cancer.

Symptoms such as discharge from the eyes and nose, heavy and wheezing breathing, loss of appetite and other deviations from the pet's usual behavior should be cause for concern.

The cause may be a common cold or a more serious illness that can only be identified by a qualified specialist.

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. Reasons
  2. Reason to think

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