Do you think you know everything about "greenbacks"?
Valeria Kisternaya currency the facts interesting facts People and Events 9 February 2025In January, the dollar exchange rate against the Russian ruble may fall, but a rise is also possible.
Timur Khomichev dollar exchange rate dollar exchange rate forecast dollar to russian ruble exchange rate dollar to russian ruble exchange rate forecast Economy 26 December 2024The American currency, which began its losing streak last week, “lost weight” today by 0.0146 points (-0.43 percent).
Kurchev Anton Belarus Belarus News BCSE | Belarusian Currency and Stock Exchange exchange rate euro Economy 26 December 2024Vadim Kovrigin, associate professor at the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, spoke about whether to buy dollars.
Timur Khomichev dollar exchange rate dollar exchange rate forecast dollar to russian ruble exchange rate dollar to russian ruble exchange rate forecast Economy 24 December 2024This time, the dollar fell against the Belarusian ruble by 0.0211 points.
Kurchev Anton Belarus Belarus News BCSE | Belarusian Currency and Stock Exchange exchange rate dollar exchange rate Economy 24 December 2024What the dollar exchange rate will be in Russia in January 2025 was explained by candidate of economic sciences Mikhail Kosov.
Timur Khomichev Russia News of Russia dollar exchange rate dollar exchange rate forecast Economy 23 December 2024Analysts from the Association of Financiers of Kazakhstan have explained what will happen to the dollar in Kazakhstan in 2025.
Timur Khomichev Kazakhstan News of Kazakhstan dollar exchange rate dollar exchange rate forecast Economy 23 December 2024Over the current year, the dollar exchange rate in Ukraine has increased by 13%.
Timur Khomichev Ukraine Ukraine News bracelet dollar exchange rate forecast Economy 23 December 2024The American currency lost 0.0041 points, while the European currency gained 0.0175 points.
Kurchev Anton Belarus Belarus News BCSE | Belarusian Currency and Stock Exchange exchange rate euro Economy 23 December 2024Financial analysts and specialists from Belarusian banks believe that next year the dollar will cost from 3.43 to 3.53 rubles.
Timur Khomichev Belarus Belarus News dollar exchange rate dollar exchange rate forecast Economy 22 December 2024Owners of American currency will become victims of a scam in the foreseeable future, Katasonov warned.
Timur Khomichev Valentin Katasonov dollar forecast economic forecast Economy 21 December 2024Next year, the dollar to Russian ruble exchange rate could reach 130 rubles, the economist said.
Timur Khomichev dollar exchange rate dollar to russian ruble exchange rate dollar exchange rate forecast dollar to russian ruble exchange rate forecast Economy 20 December 2024The dollar unexpectedly fell on December 20. And the defeat was quite serious.
Kurchev Anton Belarus Belarus News BCSE | Belarusian Currency and Stock Exchange exchange rate dollar exchange rate Economy 20 December 2024Russian economist Mikhail Khazin explained how the dollar will collapse.
Timur Khomichev dollar collapse dollar collapse crisis economic forecast Economy 19 December 2024The fourth currency trading of the week in our country ended with the victory of the dollar, yuan and Russian ruble.
Kurchev Anton Belarus Belarus News BCSE | Belarusian Currency and Stock Exchange exchange rate euro Economy 19 December 2024The world's largest investment banks are beginning to doubt the prospects of the American currency.
Timur Khomichev devaluation dollar collapse dollar exchange rate dollar exchange rate forecast Economy 18 December 2024On Wednesday, December 18, the dollar unexpectedly returned to growth in our country.
Kurchev Anton Belarus Belarus News BCSE | Belarusian Currency and Stock Exchange exchange rate dollar exchange rate Economy 18 December 2024Today's defeat was the third in a row for the US currency.
Kurchev Anton Belarus Belarus News BCSE | Belarusian Currency and Stock Exchange exchange rate dollar exchange rate Economy 17 December 2024In a short period of time, the dollar exchange rate has risen sharply against a number of currencies and still maintains a significant advantage. But it is possible that the situation will change in the future.
Kurchev Anton United States of America dollar exchange rate dollar exchange rate forecast Donald Trump Economy 15 December 2024The American currency suffered a defeat.
Kurchev Anton Belarus Belarus News BCSE | Belarusian Currency and Stock Exchange exchange rate dollar exchange rate Economy 13 December 2024