If the fruits and vegetables you stored in the cellar began to spoil, the first thing you should do is determine the reason why the mold began to spread.
Elena Shimanovskaya funeral cellar storage water harvest Garden and Vegetable Garden 30 December 2024Numerous bulbs will definitely not start to rot in winter. In addition, they will retain all their taste qualities.
Kurchev Anton air temperature the rules advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 14 November 2024Air humidity is extremely important for systems that are constantly in contact with air, that is, for the skin and mucous membranes (nose and throat).
Elena Shimanovskaya child humidifier best humidifiers air humidity Children 6 November 2024The problem of a musty smell in the basement is familiar to both residents of old houses and those who live in a newly built building.
Elena Shimanovskaya scent musty smell air humidity Useful tips 24 October 2024Agree, it is difficult to imagine a bathroom without a mirror.
Elena Shimanovskaya mirror bathroom bathroom mirror Useful tips 4 October 2024The end of September and the first two weeks of October are the ideal period for planting winter garlic.
Kurchev Anton winter garlic planting garlic sunlight advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 28 September 2024Not everyone knows how to reduce the humidity level in the bathroom.
Marina Michalap bathroom tips for housewives Useful tips 2 September 2024If you are often tormented by a dry cough and even catch a cold, this may indicate not only a weak immune system.
Dmitry Liskovich air humidity apartment humidity in the apartment health Useful tips 1 February 2024