Forget the myth that tail wagging always means friendliness.
Igor Zur Tips for dog owners about dogs interesting facts how to understand your pet Pets 28 February 2025Grass lizards hold world record for tail size.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news animals dimensions body Records and anti-records 14 January 2025Sometimes our pets' behavior is exactly the same as that of us, their owners, and sometimes dog habits are so surprising that it seems that there is no logical explanation for them.
Elena Shimanovskaya dogs pets and animals dog behavior dog health Pets 11 December 2024A bad sign is sudden movements from side to side.
Kurchev Anton pets cat behavior signs facts about cats Pets 20 October 2024Dogs, as we know, cannot talk. Therefore, they cannot say “thank you” to their owner. However, four-legged friends are able to express gratitude in other ways.
Kurchev Anton pets dog behavior facts about dogs Pets 21 August 2024A dog playing with its tail is exactly the picture that is familiar to many dog owners.
Elena Shimanovskaya dogs pets and animals Pets 1 August 2024Most likely, everything is fine. After all, such behavior is quite normal for cats. However, you can’t relax completely.
Kurchev Anton pet cat behavior reasons Pets 26 July 2024You've probably heard the expression: "Don't pull the cat by the tail."
Elena Shimanovskaya cats cats pets pets Pets 17 May 2024A dog's mood can be determined by a number of signals it gives.
Elena Shimanovskaya dogs pets pets and animals Pets 24 April 2024It turns out that scientists still cannot adequately explain why dogs wag their tails.
Dmitry Liskovich dog facts about dogs Pets 20 January 2024