Most dogs are friendly by nature and are willing to make contact with people.
Some breeds have this quality especially developed, and they literally idolize people, surrounding them with all their attention.
Setters, spaniels and collies are particularly affectionate. They love games and are easy to train.

The dog is active and always positive, which it is quick to share with its owner.
English Setter
A dog completely devoid of aggression and the embodiment of good nature.
In the past, the dog was especially valued by hunters, but today it is considered a vulnerable breed.
The dog is not the easiest to keep in the city, as it needs physical activity and free space.
Smooth Collie
In addition to his playful nature, he is considered an enviable intellectual.
Initially, the breed was bred to help farmers - the dog helped with herding sheep.
The dog is sociable, cannot live without frequent walks and loves to spend time outdoors.
In addition to these breeds, lovers of friendly dogs should pay attention to the Bichon Frise and Australian Terrier.
These are small dogs with a cheerful character who love to please their owners.