The friendliest dog breeds have been named: they wouldn’t hurt a fly

06.01.2025 21:21

It is believed that a dog's character depends entirely on its upbringing and living conditions. At the same time, dogs are considered man's best friends by nature.

Some breeds simply idolize their owners and dedicate every minute of their lives to them.

Experts have named the friendliest dogs that have no problems with their mood.

Photo: © Belnovosti


The dog is an optimist, an activist and combines many other positive characteristics.

It seems that a pet simply cannot be in a bad mood.

They are ready to play and have fun always and everywhere.

In addition, the pet's character does not create problems in a noisy company.

The dog gets along with everyone and loves children very much.

English Setter

The breed is a hunting one and therefore the dog needs attention and long walks.

In urban conditions, there may be difficulties in keeping a pet.

But, despite the hunting instinct, the dog is good-natured and devoid of aggression.

Bichon Frise

Small dog lovers can get this breed or choose an Australian Terrier.

Very sensitive dogs with a friendly character.

However, when choosing a dog breed, you need to proceed from your capabilities, experience and availability of free time.

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. Cocker
  2. English Setter
  3. Bichon Frise

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