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Timur Khomichev blood pressure Beauty and health 14 September 2024It is not only diet and medication that can lower blood pressure – there are other recommendations from specialists.
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Olga Kotova health products mint Beauty and health 3 November 2023Hypertensive patients should pay attention to seasonal vegetables. Such products can improve health.
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Olga Kotova hypertension health mistakes Beauty and health 20 June 2023Nutritionist Rob Hobson from Healthspan has named five popular products that provoke the development of hypertension.
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Igor Zur vegetables cooking and recipes preparation benefit diseases Beauty and health 6 March 2023Serious changes in atmospheric pressure always affect a person's condition. In this case, we are talking about fluctuations when the pressure decreases or increases by several millimeters per day or several days (from 2 mm).
Olga Kotova health organism Human Beauty and health 24 February 2023Alexander Myasnikov named a simple method that will help improve your well-being with high blood pressure.
Olga Kotova blood pressure Alexander Myasnikov methods Beauty and health 13 February 2023With low blood pressure, you need to focus on your well-being, and not just on the indicators. If the condition worsens, then you need to take action.
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