A dog is a loyal friend and companion, which, however, does not prevent these animals from behaving unexpectedly and unpredictably.
Elena Shimanovskaya dogs pets and animals escape dog walking Pets 15 January 2025Experts advise to start training a dog as early as possible - you can start at 3-4 weeks.
Igor Zur Tips for dog owners dog training pets and animals health Pets 4 January 2025Dogs often surprise their owners with strange behavior, and one of the most common and sometimes unpleasant habits is digging holes.
Valeria Kisternaya animals dogs dog behavior Pets 21 November 2024Teaching your dog new commands is not only a useful activity, but also an opportunity to spend time with your pet, play with him and thereby strengthen your bond.
Elena Shimanovskaya dogs pets and animals training commands for dogs Pets 19 November 2024The "Sit" command is one of the most important for dogs to learn.
Elena Shimanovskaya dogs pets and animals training commands for dogs Pets 18 November 2024Experts have named four common mistakes that owners make when teaching their dogs the "no" command.
Igor Zur dog training mistakes Tips for dog owners commands for dogs Pets 15 November 2024Experts are convinced that it is worth starting to train a dog from the very first day it appears in the house.
Elena Shimanovskaya dogs pets and animals training dog training Pets 6 November 2024Dogs are famous for their loyalty and intelligence. However, owners sometimes face a situation where their four-legged friend seems to forget previously learned commands.
Sergey Tumanov pets dog behavior commands for dogs facts about dogs Pets 3 November 2024If you are going to train your dog at home, it is worth using the "carrot and stick" method.
Elena Shimanovskaya dogs pets and animals training delicacy Pets 9 October 2024“Humanizing” a dog is the confidence that the pet understands absolutely all the claims expressed by the owner in a standard verbal form.
Kurchev Anton pets dog behavior Tips for dog owners Pets 7 October 2024There are dog breeds that are particularly easy to train - five very different dog breeds have been named.
Igor Zur dog breeds Tips for dog owners about dogs dog intelligence Pets 19 September 2024A dog trainer named tricks that will be useful for developing a dog and strengthening the relationship between the owner and the pet.
Igor Zur about dogs Tips for dog owners cynologist dog training Pets 18 September 2024Experts have named the 5 smartest dog breeds - good memory, gentle character and easy learning.
Igor Zur dog breeds Tips for dog owners about dogs dog intelligence Pets 14 August 2024Experienced dog handlers and zoopsychologists identify several characteristic signs that may indicate that the dog does not consider the owner a leader and authority.
Igor Zur Tips for dog owners dog training cynologist pets Pets 3 July 2024A dog trainer has listed the mistakes made during training that will ruin your relationship with your dog.
Igor Zur pets mistakes Tips for dog owners dog training Pets 2 July 2024A cynologist has dispelled the myth that small dog breeds are more docile and less dangerous.
Igor Zur board canine Tips for dog owners mistakes in education safety Pets 1 July 2024Which dog breeds are the hardest to train - tips for owners to help them overcome these difficulties.
Igor Zur dog training Tips for dog owners pets breeds Pets 21 June 2024Scientists have named three dog breeds that are least suitable for training.
Igor Zur Tips for dog owners facts about dogs dog behavior pets Pets 21 May 2024Many dog owners are sure that "no" and "no" are synonyms. In fact, the two popular commands should be used in completely different situations.
Kurchev Anton pets commands for dogs problems Tips for dog owners Pets 8 May 2024A dog breeder has named four dog breeds that are almost impossible to train.
Igor Zur dog training Tips for dog owners dog breeds board canine Pets 7 May 2024